
Beautiful work! Very inspirational!

Holy crab apples brah, that’s some of the sickest design work I’ve seen in a while! Do some more please! 5 *'s for you :slight_smile:

woah, very original work,
great concept and brilliant execution

That’s one cool flyer.

Oh Mr. Poring. I love your style!
Great work my friend.

Thanks a lot everyone again!

Magnificent job! Thanks for posting.

Wow thats so great modelled, love all the detail and realism!!!

(Un-)Believable! So real. I wonder, how those headphones sound. :wink:

You sic man/woman.

WOW…! O_o Love it, great work! Do you have any process videos or stills to share? I would love to see your approach. :slight_smile:

It’s just awesome, texturing & materials are fantastic…love it! One of the best alien portraits I ever seen!..

Thanks again, guys! By the way, someone wanted some wireframes. Here you are:

This is really amazing! Great job!

haha!! good work

Wow! Absolutely stunning design work. The mindblowedness is strong with this one.

This is indeed really cool. I love the helmet design, and the alien’s face looks interesting, too. I really like the materials as well!

Amazing! this is a good work.

A fantastic use of mixed software to create what you want :smiley: absolutely epic, and love the different styles you tried :smiley:

interesting thing. Due to the size of the Univers, and especially the Multiverse, that guy actually Exists…