Pie Menus (2.66) - Update 01/28/13

I’m trying to load the addon but I can’t enable it: I’m able to install it and it is available in the Addons list but I not able to check it to make it enabled… do you know what’s happening?
I’m using the last official Blender release, 2.64a.

Thanks in advance.

My guess is that you are using a older version of the addon and are running into a registration error. Makesure you download the latest version (on page 1) and install the zip through the “install addon” button in the UI. I just tried with the current file and 2.64a and it works fine for me. You also might want to go into to your addons folders and delete and piemenus folders - they might be conflicting - I can’t say much more without the error log. (I believe you can show it on windows through the help menu - show console)

How would one go back to the main menu?

IMHO these things are mainly useful (faster) for simple menus, once you add complexity then you might as well have just a regular menu. For eg. I made one as a replacement for the cursor placement menu (shift+s iirc) since I was using it a lot to fix the origins on an imported model I was attempting to rig and it made it a lot faster than the regular pop-up menu.

Nice to know this is on your list - I’ll try to tackle other todo’s before this one then with the assumption that a bpy-api icon access is coming from you! Thanks Uncle Entity!

Umm… ‘one of these days’ usually means ‘when I need it for something’ so this one could take a while. Just off hand the only thing I can think of would be for custom icons for the py-nodes/trees.

Umm, it should be something else, I tried exactly what it’s on your first post downloading the only one .zip you have there (it reads version 1.0.0 when adding it into Blender addons tab).
I tried deleting Blender 2.64a, deleting all the configs and user settings and reinstalling and it still doesn’t work.

I’m on Mac OSX, anyone installed it with this kind of OS?

… Just tried in a Windows 7 machine and still not working. Could you please paste the correct link in case I’m the one not downloading the correct version? (but I guess it’s impossible to fail because there’s only one link in your first post and I have not installed previously any other piemenus version…)

I’m going to need that error log in order to fix this - I just had a friend try it on windows 7 and it works for him, so this is unique to you. I’ll look into it if you post the error.

@liquidApe: i tried downloading this add-on several times and it just downloads 12 .py files. your first post says it should be a zip. please help.

I finally found the error: I use a modified Maya preset so the keys you are binding doesn´t work the same. I have tried with the original Blender preset and it works perfectly.
I’ll have to modify your .py in order to make it work with my Maya preset.
Anyway, here is the console error:

Document it so that the “non Blender keymap users” are able to use it.

Apart from that the addon is great, I have ideas in order to include it into my workflow. Thanks for your time =)

@ @LiquidApe Hi, i downloaded the script from your link, but its not getting installed in my blender. I used install addon button and i selected the scripts where it got saved. Its been visible in preference window but i can’t able to mark tick. i tried with other add-on like mesh_bevel.py this is getting installed and i can make tick mark. Can you help me!!!
'm using Linux 12.04 Ubuntu Studio and Blender 2.64.4 r51462

For those having trouble installing, try using a build from builder.blender.org

I’ve no idea why that could be happening. Perhaps you have a program that automatically zips the file or automatically opens the file when you are done downloading, so you are looking at the “contents” of the zip file? Anyway, just put those 12 files in a file called piemenus in your addons folder and it should work.

Glad you got it working! And for pointing out this issue in my code! I’ll have to think of a way around this alternate keymaps thing!

Are you using non-standard keybindings? It currently does not work with the maya keymap. I’ll fix that for next release. Other than that, you should read through the thread, there are other people with similar issues. If not solved, please post the error log.

+1 for submenu and no click for the selected menu :).

So far i had mostly used this addon in edit mode, to switch between vertex, face, and edge.
I changed the keymap so i can access pie menu using the long-and-easy-to-hit ‘Spacebar’ button on my keyboard. I almost never used that spacebar to search something in blender anyway, so this setting is the best for me personally. It’s really fast and less distracting, because i can always keep my eyes on my model. This is really exciting.

With the latest update of this addon however, i think to switch between Viewport Shading is easier with blender’s default setting. Maybe it’s just me. I used Z button alot, and Alt+Z is no problem. So, meanwhile i’ll just stick with the previous piemenu addon.

Thanks again for your effort, LiquidApe! This addon really is time saver.

Next version will have a way to disable certain pies - so you can just turn off the shadePie if you prefer the blender default.

I’m pretty much satisfied with the previous release of this addon, but an option to disable certain pies sounds great :D! Looking forward for the next update.

Oh, if icon will be implemented as well, will there be an option to disable the icon? It’s not a big deal actually, it’s just… beside the speed and easy to use, another thing that i like from pie menu is that we can always focus on the model or scene. Sure, icons will make the tool more beautiful and easy to understand. But i believe people need those icons and names of certain menu only for the early times of using pie menu. Once we get used to it, we don’t need those icons, and we don’t even need those texts :eek:!

After ‘no click’ implemented, people who’re watching us using this tool won’t have enough time to read those texts. They’ll just see some… grey boxes popping out, mouse cursor moved almost at the same time, and that’s it. This tool is very fast by nature.
With various colors of icons, i think, there’ll be some kind of… distraction even just a slightly tiny bit.
It’s okay if there will not be an option to disable it, but if possible, i personally prefer pies without icons.

From the screenshot of pie menu in modo posted by MESCH973, appearantly modo uses icon as well.
This is a screenshot of the pie menu/ hotbox in maya i found from internet. I don’t know which maya version this is from, since i don’t own maya.
So, yeah, looking forward for the next update.

Glad you are digging it! It will probably be easy to add customizability to the icons. Though I think that is a bit down the road still. I’m not going to worry about it until I have some icons working! I agree about not even reading text - once you use these for 15 minutes you stop reading it anyway, it’s just key->direction->done.

Tried that (if you mean compress them into a zip) wouldn’t let me check it as an add-on (same as ramaswamy). tried running the scripts individually and it worked so the scripts are working right. don’t think i have anything that would unzip it. im using mac osx 10.7, blender 2.64

But there already is a way to disable individual pies - just unbind them in the keymap preferences. Just type ‘pie’ and uncheck the little check mark next to the ones you don’t want.

Thanks :D. I’ve edited my key map for this tool before. I wonder how can i forgot about that.

Yup, there is a way currently - the new way basically does the same thing, just shoves it in your face more.

i havent really used this yet, but i just wanted to say i love the idea of this and i hope to get some serious use out of it in the near future! great work!