Painting on blender like in a VR mask?

Hello everyone,
I saw this video on youtube and i am currently looking since few days the way I could do the same thing on Blender without VR mask.
I have a character and I would like to paint on this character in order to have a painterly / handly effect and no mesh under. But I don’t want to just paint textures because I want the brush to be messy and sometimes ouside the shape of my character.
I tried many ways already just like grease pencil, which is the closer way to have the same result than the video but I think the grease pencil don’t give as many possibility as if I had mesh. So I tried to draw curves and to put like rectangle profile on it but it’s too messy and doesn’t work.
So I come to you because I didn’t see any tutorial or any forum about this so it’s my last solution :frowning:
Let me know If you have any idea about I could do something similar to this !
Have a good day ! :slight_smile: