Ocean simulation and sailboat

Cool ! I try it right now :slight_smile:

No real expert, but shouldn’t there be a RGB to BW converter node between the Sky Texture and Mix?

The boat is nearly finished.
Still the sails to do and it’s finished :slight_smile:


LOL, It might help.
Good renders BTW.

I begin to work on the boat animation.
Here’s a first animation whitout foam effects.

Looking real good! Your foam effects can only make it even better. Gotta ask. what is a rough guess on the rendertime for what you just posted?

Hello !
I’m not sure to understand your question. You want to Know the animation rendering duration ?

cool! you did great on render and your ocean modify went so smooth along particle emitter and collapse,too… Keep up with your work!!

No, what I meant was how much time did it take you to render the entire animation. Usually each frame of an animation takes a certain amount of time to render. I was just curious what your total render time was to complete the animation.

Very nice work. Could you explain how you used a particle emitter to create the foam?

OK !
Time per image: between 4"00 and 3’30’’
Number of image : 350
Total time animation rendering : 22 hours (one night on 2 computers)
resolution : 960X540 pix
Cycles render sampling : 100

I create 4 particle emitters at the front of the hull and 4 at the rear with a collision test on the ocean surface. I make a render under the native blender render and then I make a compositing between the cycles render boat and the particle render.


Nothing more to add… :slight_smile:

Waow ! ThanX :slight_smile: