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Has anyone really said that? I see people get a little silly defending criticism, but that happens with any product. Mac vs PC, Xbox vs Playstation, Paper vs Plastic, etc.

I don’t know that I’ve seen anyone actually state that Blender will kill Maya though. In fact, a lot of users here are constantly discontent and usually predict Blender is the one that is doomed.

They all suck. Use a calulator, Wii and cloth bags. nodnods

crawls back under her bridge

Heh … say you’re Lucasfilm, or even a small production house, and you’ve got half-a-dozen big projects going on and they’re outsourced in-part to other studios so that you can get the work done. Each project is going to take years to complete, and stuff done four years ago will be seconds-apart on screen from stuff that just got finished (whew!) last week. What are you going to do? (The investors who pony-up hundreds of millions of their dollars so that you can spend those dollars to make your stuff, would really like to know …)

You’re going to standardize, on one thing, and even on one version-number of that thing. (“During this project you must use release 1.23.4567 throughout, unless we expressly authorize a change … and, if we do, it is compulsory.”)

Furthermore, you’re probably going to standardize on a thing with a company behind it that will say “how high, sir?” when you (pay them to let you) tell them to “jump.”

Of course you would.

Which has nothing to do with Blender. Yes, there are shops out there who use Blender for (video) production work. But you can just fuhgeddabout it “replacing” something or anything else. Even if a studio thinks that Blender is the coolest thing since sliced bread (and it is … :yes: ), nothing’s going to change the fundamental economics of any established company. Nor should you expect it to do so. The dollars (and business risks) just don’t work.

Which has nothing to do with Blender.

well there is a reason for why Blender users and with that I mean those only are known for being a little Blender Fanboyish. Mainly I would say those are beginners who are too idealistic without the proper real world experience to understand that Maya can kill Blender hands down and also that Max is pretty powerful.

Actually just in the recent past those Blender vs XYZ threads died out and I think mainly because the mod banned them for some good reason.

So maybe in some time I should revise post.

Last things first. I approve of Andrew wanting to further his exposure and spend more time focusing on him. The guy’s got potential and I want to see what he can do with himself over the next 20 years of his life. And you know what. It takes time and energy to teach. And yes teaching is a good way to solidify what one already knows. But it seldom exposes you to new truths.

But now for first points. We are each judged by the community we keep. If I walk into a room with two whores and a drug dealer and choose to keep company with them, then most likely everyone else in the room will think I am a lowlife as well.

And when the leaders of a community and that is what the mods are. Who happen to be professional artists. Who in this case gave both tacit approval and put into words that they see no issues with necked dicks being in the same work as children…It sends a message. And Messages are funny things. They have a life of their own almost and they don’t always translate well from one context to another. Under the best of circumstances.

Now here is my issue, I still collect a paycheck for federal service. And part of that is an obligation to maintain certain ethical and moral standards in my life and to self report as needed. Do you have any idea what it is like to call up OPM And tell them that you were exposed to a potential child porn incident. This is not a fun discussion, It is on par with explaining something to a troll over the internet. Its kind of like trying to prove a point on religion or politics. There is no good way you can explain to a federal agency that you are part of a community that recently set a pro kiddy porn precedent. (( This is why messages are important)) This is a discussion that sucks ass. There are not words printed on heaven or earth to explain to you how much it sucks to explain to a few dozen times (60 hours in all invested time on my part) “That yes I post on those forums, But I do not make or approve of that type of artwork. And such an artwork being posted there was an anomaly”

I know this might seem a little abstract to some, But understand anyone who has ether been enlisted or in federal service receives about 50 to 250 hours ((A little guess work here, But it tends to be at least one hour a week and sometimes significantly more)) of training a year on how not be a douche-bag in the eyes of the law. And I know I am argueing from a special case here. But this is my special case and quite frankly after 60 hours invested in a drama like that, In my special case I have decided that I will not post any works on a forum that has been tainted by what in the eyes of the law could be viewed as child porn.

Something being tainted is kind of like talking about stds when on a first date. It kind of ends the odds of getting head that night.

Try paying attention in other communities for what they say about blender and its community. Yes some of it is just trolling. But some of what is said has a basis in truth.
In the UE4 slackgroup I am in, A group with quite a few professionals in many levels of the game making industry. I have been part of some discussions on what their expectations from this community was. The three that stick out to me was the temperament of the community. Gaps in their professional skills, And the last one is sort of a lack of it being there. But they almost never said blender was non-viable as software.

Take it or leave it as you will.

Last things first. I approve of Andrew wanting to further his  exposure and spend more time focusing on him. The guy's got potential  and I want to see what he can do with himself over the next 20 years of  his life. And you know what. It takes time and energy to teach. And yes  teaching is a good way to solidify what one already knows. But it seldom  exposes you to new truths. 

But now for first points. We are each judged by the community we keep. If I walk into a room with two whores and a drug dealer and choose to keep company with them, then most likely everyone else in the room will think I am a lowlife as well.

And when the leaders of a community and that is what the mods are. Who happen to be professional artists. Who in this case gave both tacit approval and put into words that they see no issues with necked dicks being in the same work as children…It sends a message. And Messages are funny things. They have a life of their own almost and they don’t always translate well from one context to another. Under the best of circumstances.

Now here is my issue, I still collect a paycheck for federal service. And part of that is an obligation to maintain certain ethical and moral standards in my life and to self report as needed. Do you have any idea what it is like to call up OPM And tell them that you were exposed to a potential child porn incident. This is not a fun discussion, It is on par with explaining something to a troll over the internet. Its kind of like trying to prove a point on religion or politics. There is no good way you can explain to a federal agency that you are part of a community that recently set a pro kiddy porn precedent. (( This is why messages are important)) This is a discussion that sucks ass. There are not words printed on heaven or earth to explain to you how much it sucks to explain to a few dozen times (60 hours in all invested time on my part) “That yes I post on those forums, But I do not make or approve of that type of artwork. And such an artwork being posted there was an anomaly”

I know this might seem a little abstract to some, But understand anyone who has ether been enlisted or in federal service receives about 50 to 250 hours ((A little guess work here, But it tends to be at least one hour a week and sometimes significantly more)) of training a year on how not be a douche-bag in the eyes of the law. And I know I am argueing from a special case here. But this is my special case and quite frankly after 60 hours invested in a drama like that, In my special case I have decided that I will not post any works on a forum that has been tainted by what in the eyes of the law could be viewed as child porn.

Something being tainted is kind of like talking about stds when on a first date. It kind of ends the odds of getting head that night.

Try paying attention in other communities for what they say about blender and its community. Yes some of it is just trolling. But some of what is said has a basis in truth.
In the UE4 slackgroup I am in, A group with quite a few professionals in many levels of the game making industry. I have been part of some discussions on what their expectations from this community was. The three that stick out to me was the temperament of the community. Gaps in their professional skills, And the last one is sort of a lack of it being there. But they almost never said blender was non-viable as software.

Take it or leave it as you will.

I was against the guy who posted weener and the kid in that discussion.
But i think you are over reacting.

You heard about the Swedish cartoon with dancing reproducing organs?

or about Manga?

I think if that image would really be a CP it would be taken down very fast and BA could have big troubless. But that wasn’t the case.

Does other federal agencies have that high ethical and moral standards? Like police in US?

Where does the 500 000 dead in Iraq war fit in with high moral standards?

USA IS a moral standard considering wars, ruthless capitalism, number of jailed people…if that is the case do as you please just be sure you do it for DEMOCRACY hahahaha.

Take care.


Oh you are talking about dragoneex’s “Think big” image aren’t you?

yeah that was um…

I can’t help but think slightly lower of draguu after I saw that

I think he mainly are refering to the Tiles’s fork thread, where there was a crying child locked in a room whose walls were papered with a male organ motif.


I thought so at first but tiles’ image was just immature not exactly
“potential child porn”

Oh, I think the opposite. I have no problems with Dragoneex image. However with the Tiles’s image the first thing that comes to my mind when I see a crying child locked in that porn room, is that this room could be being used for things related to child pornography.

This thread is quickly getting off of its main topic. However, allow me to address the following in a bit more of a head-on way.

That is the first thing came to mind when seeing that image? Really? If that’s the case, then I can understand yours and joseph raccoon’s discomfort with that image. However, that’s certainly not the first thing that came to my mind (or most peoples’ minds) when seeing that image. Was the image incredibly inappropriate and did serve to further isolate Tiles from the rest of the community on this site? Absolutely. But an example of child pornography? I’m not sure it qualifies.

If you disagree, I welcome you to start a new thread in the Blender Artists Website Support forum and we can continue discussion there. In the meantime, I would appreciate that anyone referencing moderators on our forum (in this case, me), please use direct quotes from what’s been said. Restating what you incorrectly infer from those statements only serves to confuse the situation.

I never said it was an example of child pornography (if you consider example of child pornography what pedophiles consume), therefore I am not saying at all that moderators are allowing child pornography in this forum.
No more discussion on my part, just to clarify that.

Ok, now I see that my previous message it may be confused. “I Think the opposite” I said to fdfxd is in relation to Dragoneex image does not seem inappropriate to me, and Tiles’s image is inappropriate to me (for the interpretation that I do of that image). But I do not consider any of them examples of child pornography.

If it was child pornography then Tiles may be lucky he doesn’t live in the United States (in this country, someone could legally press felony charges against him and send him to jail, or at least force him to register as a sex offender).

Anyway, it probably destroyed his hope of ever getting his Blender fork off the ground (because introduction a new project in that fashion is like shooting it in both feet).

Also, Vandorious; I think you just proved once again just how much of a crock the concept the ‘artistic freedom’ is (and why basic censorship in today’s world is an absolute necessity).

Also, Vandorious; I think you just proved once again just how much of a crock the concept the ‘artistic freedom’ is (and why basic censorship in today’s world is an absolute necessity).

It was a comparison to “weight” the statement. And 500 000 casualties was just data i got from Wikipedia.

I think it has little to do with artistic freedom. It’s just reality.

So…What would you censor?

And, c’mon … it’s rather ridiculous to compare Blender to 3DS/Maya. The software enterprises responsible for these two systems are beholden to the biggest names in the film and television industry, and they’re of course going to make damn sure(!) that those big-names (otherwise known as “their customers”) remain happy so that the seven- or eight-figure checks keep rolling in.

Blender has carved out a different market-niche to serve. It is, first of all, “primarily video,” and one might say that it also serves an educational market. It also intends to be “generalist rather than specialist,” in that it serves the entire video-production pipeline to some degree or another. This is absolutely disjoint from the other stratosphere, where it might be perfectly to-be-expected for a major for-profit(!) software application to concentrate exclusively upon just one slice of the pie.

It makes no sense, really, to hold Blender up against other software products which have different business aims, and, let’s face it, a different set of customers. This isn’t a “better vs. worse” comparison … it’s an “irrelevant” comparison. Every software application first defines a niche, then serves it. In this regard, Blender is no exception. The fundamentals of software-products remain the same, whether there is cash involved or not. Products that do not pick the same “orbital path” cannot be directly compared.

Wow, just wow! You folks really baffles me again and again. I have been quietly following this shit here. But enough is enough.

@Yafu, i wouldn’t exactly try to throw with stones with an avatar image that gives associations with a blow job.

If it was child pornography then Tiles may be lucky he doesn’t live in the United States (in this country, someone could legally press felony charges against him and send him to jail, or at least force him to register as a sex offender).

Now i am a sex offender? O_O

What is a case for court is defamation. And that is what you do here. You can go to jail for that one too, you know? So be lucky that i do not live in the USA, and that i don’t share the american way of live and thinking. But be warned. You have crossed a red line here. My patience is nearly at its end.

What happens here is clearly defamation. You folks don’t like that i started the fork, and now you use a maybe tasteless but harmless image to discredit the whole project and me as a person. It’s definitely not a porn incident. It’s Blender fanboys doing the usual nasty job. The image was freely available for years here at Blender Artists. And there was NOT A SINGLE complaint about pornographic content. The reason is easy. Because there is none in the image. Not a single bit. Nowhere.

Fact is, it was a place holder image at the Bforartists page. Fact is i did remove the image from the page after the complaints. Means the reason for any complaint is long gone.

Anyway, it probably destroyed his hope of ever getting his Blender fork off the ground (because introduction a new project in that fashion is like shooting it in both feet).

And again defamation and the try to discredit the project. The fork is going slow but well.

If you disagree, I welcome you to start a new thread in the Blender Artists Website Support forum and we can continue discussion there.

I would be happy when you as a moderator would STOP defamation. And not even tell them to continue with the defamation in another thread. Thanks.

Tiles I am glad you started the fork.

Now any time someone comes with the brilliant idea of how software should work i point him to your fork. You should even get together with Andy since his ideas are superiour and together you could take over the 3D software world.

Since you are not a benevolent dictator. Is there a forum where people could tell you how the fork should work? I have many, many…many great ideas you should implement.


Sorry just one of those days.

I agree some people exaggerate about the weener picture.

Take care.

No dictator? :'3

Joke asides, every idea and input is of course welcome. If the ideas fits into the concept, and to make the ideas real is another chapter then :slight_smile:

Sometimes im a bit harsh or troll like. I apologise since you seem a nice person.

I wish you all the luck Tiles.

Take care.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I have no problem with this kind of fun and the usual trolling. I know that even the thought of a fork sounds like a joke for some. Even i needed a long time to switch my mind from “plain impossible” to “manageable with some caveats”. So i don’t mind.

What has to stop though is the defamation. That’s no fun anymore.