Next Car Game by Bugbear Entertainment

I hoped Bugbear could confirm LAN support :confused:
May convince more people to pledge.

@Ben: mailed you via bugbear forums :slight_smile:

Yeah that would probably be the best solution.

Yeah well the LAN situation is a bit open still unfortunately. I agree it would be good to get a confirmation soon though.

I checked the mail. Good suggestions I’ll have to keep those in mind.

This is looking good.
I had some great fun with the Flatout series over the years and I still play Ultimate Carnage quite alot :smiley:

Looks awesome! You might get a big boost in crowdfunding if you pledge to add Oculus Rift support which would be quite amazing. Oculus fans have crowdfunded multiple games already. Check out

Glad to hear it!

Thanks! Yeah we’ve actually thought about that.

Great destruction physics, but THE TYRES DON’T POP!:spin:

looks like a great game, except the title. (it took me a while to even realise that was what it was called):confused:

Great looking game and congrats on being able to use blender on the project!

Was it you guys who made a video of a car falling through cylinders? getting smashes up to demo the dynamic destruction to the cars chassi.

As a Swede the competiveness kicks in between our two countries :smiley: whaaat, little sister Finland is making a kickass car racing game :slight_smile: I hope a Swedish game studio shows up with a racing game in the future ^^ (jokes asides) Really happy for you guys. It looks awesome and best of lucks!


Mind you, Next Car Game is just a working title for us. As a matter of fact, our every game is referred internally as ‘Next Car Game’ or ‘NCG’ for short when we’re developing the game. Since our efforts in coming up with a credible name were pretty rotten we will give you as a backer a unique chance to participate in choosing the final name for the game!

that´s the video, thanks @CoDEmanX , just awesome! and as someone mentioned, would be neat if tires could blow up.

I enjoyed playing the first flatout game and the new videos are looking really awesome so far…
crosses fingers for linux support :o I’ll definitely buy your new car game.

Little sister huh? :stuck_out_tongue: I thought you were the sissies. :wink: Jk

Seriously though thanks for the enthusiasm mate, much appreciated!

Glad you like it! Thanks for the support!


Since we had a hard time reaching our audience we cancelled the Kickstarter and decided to release a sneak peek for our pre-order customers. You can pre-order the game at

I’ve tried to get us featured on Blendernation but I can’t seem to get a response from those guys. I’d think this project would be of interest to a lot of blenderheads on Blendernation. Anyone have any suggestions?

Heheehe! when i speak of nations, countries it´s always female form. MOtherland y’know :stuck_out_tongue:
I tried to help you now, pinged @blendernation on twitter about the site. hope they post it!

otherwise, The guys name is Bart, but I dunno his IRC handle, but check out in #blender or #blendercoders on

Haha I know what you mean. We call Finland “isänmaa” though which means fatherland. /Random offtopic trivia.

Thanks for the help mate!

Bart responded some time ago that he wanted to see some material. I sent it to him and then nothing. I don’t know if it got caught in a spam filter or something. At least I doubt the game is sub par for BN since he’s featured our old less than spectacular school animation project. :smiley:

does or will this game have Rally elements in it, like the old Colin McRae games? the graphics and physics engine seem to be more than worthy of a rally game.

What I would also want to know is, could we get a bit of insight of the 3d creation? or a small making-of?
(even if it hadn´t no rally stuff in it a making-of would make me buy this in an instant)

It’s going to be a bit more like folkracing. I posted a racing video on the second page of this thread.

I’ll have to see about the making of. What would you like to see exactly? Asset pipeline or environment or something else?

folkracing sounds good :slight_smile:

for a making of the following topics could be really interesting;

audio creation (crashes, motor sounds etc.) what devices are used and where and what you record for as an example the sounds of a crash.
something like these inspirational videos are popping in my mind;

or something like this where you get insight about the thinking on how it got assembled;

asset pipeline for 3D, which tools you use,how you mix them to work hand in hand and what you keep in mind during the creation
for the usage with the physics sim.
the modularity of the environments to keep the tracks interesting, the game FX creation(Smoke and burned rubber etc)
and its usage in the game engine.

the pipeline for the textures,what do you use initially to make the main textures, do you use additional tools like or similar to substance designer for dynamic changes?

a bit about the game engine- a tech trailer which is taking the damage videos further like showing some graphics features which makes the game and future games more immerse like the tech trailers from the cryengine 3 do,in case of this game, a weather system, lightning etc?
on the physics area; how the tires react in curves, the modularity of making a custom car and how that could change the game play, how the colouring for the player works.

I haven’t updated this thread in a long time but we’ve progressed quite a bit since last time. I recently posted a new blog post of our development. Check it out!

By the way, t/he last pic in the post is blender in action. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the Update. What do you know about a Mac Version?

I don’t know yet unfortunately. We’re concentrating all our efforts on the Windows version for now and we’ll consider other platforms according to demand.

nice work, great stuff you guys! who says great games can’t be made in blender (at least partially)…