New principled BSDF in Blender 4

I`ve been trying some of my scenes from 3.6 in Blender 4 and there was a huge disappointment that many shaders look much worse.
I know that the new BSDF is Multiple scattering GGX by default and there are no options anymore. First of all it is not possible to even compare the render result with identical parameters in both 3.6 and 4 because Multiscatter in 3.6 is completely screwed. 4 in turn, does not have the opportunity to return to GGX, and as a result of this, it is now impossible to change the transmission roughness

I absolutely don’t care about physical correctness and energy preservation, but I need flexible artistic control, especially on materials with frozen glass effects, and now I`m struggling with it in the new version.

I wonder if it is possible to at least recreate the old one with refraction/glass shaders separately, but glass and principled BSDF with full transparency never gave similar results even in an earlier versions.

Will be grateful for any advice

May I suggest that you post at least some pictures and, better still, a test scene.

Transmission now uses the general roughness, (that has changed) to do frosted glass use a coat to give the shinny surface.

Yes you do have to redo some old materials, but they should still be possible.

Edit; sorry I posted this in the wrong thread!

Another one (that is maybe more of a pain) is the subsurface scattering colour input has gone, there are workarounds but yes more complicated.

No, multiple scattering GGX is gone. It was replaced by an approximation (albedo compensation) which is almost equally accurate but a bit faster.

You can still mix bsdfs to your liking, so a combination of rough transmission and sharp reflection is still possible. I agree removing that bit of control from the principled bsdf was uncalled for, though.


Yes, here is a fast example from my recent scene

First one is 3.6
second is 4.0 without any changes
This is not quite good example to discuss, I will prepare may be more simplified scene tomorrow already

I usually make some unrealistic and physically incorrect materials for artistic purposes and light effects, and now its harder to manually control all parameters
For example earlier I sometimes put in base color values more than 1.0, and it created interesting effects for some translucent plastics and glass, and now it is also not working for principled bsdf. This feature as well as GGX still persist in glass and refraction BSDF, but they never worked similar to principled even in earlier versions. Glass with transmission roughness 1.0 work different than the same with principled