Necrosis-Cooperative Zombie FPS-no longer on BGE


A creature that has no name a the moment!

Update 7

Another creature for the game.

Great work, I love the style.

holy cow,
awesome dude, nice job!!
the art work looks very impressive!
gratz !

Thank you both, more to come!

nice concept art, i hope one day i will be able to do things like that…going to drawing school very soo too …anyways ur stuff always comes out with some professional look ^^

I think you should add some transparency to the HUD. Shrink the gun a bit. The grass’ transparency needs to be fixed. The trees are a bit messed up (though they do look very dead, which matches the theme). You should turn down the DoF a bit too.

Weapon wont be changed,grass idk what you really mean,hud might be edited,trees are place holders,dof its false(its done in gimp , no dof in game.).

Oh, I thought the DoF was Martinsh’s realtime DoF shader. What I mean by the grass alpha is that the clipping is too strong, or the texture has a bold outline (I don’t know which one it is, but it makes the grass look odd). The reason I think that the gun should be shrunk down is because IMO the player looks like he’s a dwarf. If the gun is that big and the player is that close to the ground, either the gun is half the size of the player, or the player is tiny. The gun also seems to be behind the crosshair (just the end part). Perhaps I think I just need to see some more camera angles while next to other objects for comparison.

BTW, the map looks amazing.

Well the grass uses ‘clip’ in alpha options to increase performance,thats why it looks odd. Now,i ll see what i can do with the player/weapon.

What the title says-- you guys still need help? I’ve got experience in Blender, time to kill, and motivation. Let me know if there is anything I could do to help in some modeling and animating. I ain’t the greatest, but I’m willing to contribute in any way I can.

Well yeah, its open but the skills really matter,so pm me with some previous work!

An edited/redesigned colt peacemaker.

That colt looks beast. I like the style of it. What I love the most about it is the intricate details and symbols on the side. Great work.

Thank you!

I don’t know if this was mentioned, but how many people do you think can play your game? It looks good! . . . Not many people with computers older than 2008 probably can play this. I’d adda few years because Blender isn’t Unreal 3. It can’t package the whole thing upgood enough to make this a lag-free game. The file is going to be HUGE.

Just something to think about. Looks amazing! :smiley:

@cam.dudes don’t know if this was mentioned, but how many people do you think can play your game? It looks good! . . . Not many people with computers older than 2008 probably can play this. I’d adda few years because Blender isn’t Unreal 3. It can’t package the whole thing upgood enough to make this a lag-free game. The file is going to be HUGE.

Just something to think about. Looks amazing! :smiley:
Yeah i know, but players that are gamers do have a good pc,they need one to play bf3 ultra settings.
And the game will be extra optimized, dividing parts of maps,shadows baking,LOD.
The map wont be all visible,we will have areas which will increase fps a lot.
And the game wont be huge.

Oh, the videos just looked too good to be true :wink:

A new video with progress on the map, not ,much i worked on characters most, but here is the video.

Looks really cool, how many people are you working with and who are they?!

Wow looks cool I like it! Although the cross hair for the shotgun seems kind of small.