Necrosis-Cooperative Zombie FPS-no longer on BGE

Some updates.

Some-Updates 2

Love the graphics, nice updates. :slight_smile:

Nice work. :eyebrowlift:
This project is worthy of a true production AAA.:eyebrowlift:

Update 3

Thanks firefox!

Started the map. Going slowly.

Update 4.
More props.

Update 5
Map-‘Smog’- WIP.

A bit of SSAO could make that fog map look pretty legit.

Yes indeed!

Nice!!! :open_mouth:


I’ve seen this on IndieDB already! Awesome work BlendingBGE!!! Do you have performance issues? Or does everything run smoothly?

Not bad, by far 60 fps. But everything is ‘as is’, no optimizing! It will go through a hard optimizing process though!


Wow, great stuff!

It’s already a great graphical showcase for BGE, and it sounds to be a very ambitious game. I imagine it would earn Blender and BGE a lot of attention if you can pull off 4-player co-op.

How are the shadows done? Are they baked, or real-time?

Shadows are realtime at the moment and I hope I can keep them like this, and if this game will be a succesc and we earn some cash from it, we will definitely put some back in bge developement.

Great job, keep it up.
This is one of the best looking games in Blender I have seen so far.

Thanks Josip!

This is looking truly amazing. If the player controls are nice and snappy (which I think they were in one of your previous videos) then this will be a huge success for you. There is a great sense of atmosphere within the level and all the assets that have placed around the level look fantastic. The destructible walls look brilliant as well. Are they a game mechanic, like you can block passages etc…? Would be nice to see some gameplay in the level, with the player and things.

Do you have any idea of when a demo will be available? I’m sure a lot of people here are itching to play through it, me included :).

Superb work.

Thank you very much.
The map I however still a wip, and is not even by far what I want it to be like ( it has to be BETTER ,LOL) , there are many empty objects still and there are many indoor locations to texture.
About the blocking, we don’t really know yet if we will be doing that.
However,I want my game to be playeable on many PC’s so I will have to do lots of optimizing, but hopefully Kupoman( the dev workin on harmony branch) can bring us inferred rendering!