MotionTool - Dev Thread

Feature requested by Mango Jambo ( Yo Frankie Major Animator )

Relative Parent Node:

You can set it to 0 just after the begin, that’s the way to reset everything else that is not a Transform (Loc/Rot/Scale). We plan to implement in future a better way to reset other datablocks inside the Begin node.


Eyedrop Transforms are helpers to get specific transform based in a object values, they area available for all transform (Position/Rotate/Scale) nodes Set and Anim.

Thank you for the help. Now it works.

Feature idea:
Would be nice if there is way to split up a text-objekt in parts by letters or words. Best would be that the split is just internal, so the text-objekt is still editable. Would make motion graphics much more easy.

Hi just bought the motion tool and I’m excited to start using it. Haven’t really completely wrapped my head around it in terms of the posibilities of this add on. For example in one of your movies you show a matrix of cubes which are, I think, just cube meshes and play with the animated fall off. Is the same thing possible with active modifiers?

Wow! Great!
It’s the most quick development for feature request ever!

That was pretty easy to implement and is very useful to have :wink:

Hi! This week we are in São Paulo (Brazil) To the Unite Conference
So probably we don’t will have updates until next week.
Any problem that you have we still will provide support and check this thread and the support forum daily.

Haven’t had much time to test these developments, but nice to see new possibilities. Will check it when I’ll have more time.

We are back from Unite Conferencefull of ideas for MotionTool. Today we are back working on it.

So the Updates:

  • New Category Organization

  • Code CleanUp, non performance improves but much readable code for effects

  • New Nodes:

  • Set Object Color

  • Set Node Color (works on BI and Cycles)

  • Updated Nodes:

  • Random Node now have all properties as inputs, a bit slower but much more flexible

We are analyzing the possibility to expand the BETA program for more 2 weeks to polish it more and finish our online documentation. We will have more information about soon.



New Repeat Delay ID Node

Repeat Delay ID is a Flow Control node that implements an Asynchronous Repeat Function. That is very useful for node configs that needs a cyclic animation using Group IDs. Repeat Delay ID Node will be available in next MotionTool release.

The path data Param

Hi, I saw in the guide of the most common parameters.
I’m not very good at understanding this.
It would be nice to create a list of all possible parameters, even for users who have never worked with this data.
Add all the parameters that you know and help you make better use of tool motion.
Object Parent (Object)
Object Color (Color)
Modifier property
“modifiers[“Modifier name Here”].
Active Shape Key value
BI Active Material Color (Color)
Cycles Node Material Color (Color)
active_material.node_tree.nodes[“Node Name Here”].

Copied from the Support Forum for record…

A “List of all possible parameters” can be found in the Blender API:

But most of these parameters are not quite useful for any animation. Something like display or not names… use or not dupliverts… etc.
We posted in our Manual of MotionTool 0.2 a list of most useful parameters but we know that set parameter is not the most useful way to handle it. For that we are implementing for next version many nodes on the new “Effect” Category. That include handle material nodes, ShapeKeys, Modifiers, Object and Vertex Color and so on…



Update Rate and Viewport Sync:
Is very common when working with complex nodes or large object counts that you viewport get a delay in relation to the rendered animation FPS. For that task we implemented a debug value that inform how much your viewport is delayed in %.
On top of it we have implemented a asynchronous update system. Now you can set the update rate to ignore some frames and get a better synchronization with the final render feel at the cost of precision in the animation.

Just bought MotionTool and starting to get the hang of things. Looking forward to the next beta release!

A couple of requests so far:

Could you add an Invert option on the Delay node with Group Sequence?

And would it be possible to assign Group ID’s of objects in the sequence they were selected?

An additional MotionTools Operator to Remove selected objects from MotionTool Group.

Could you add an Invert option on the Delay node with Group Sequence?

Nice request, can be done. Noted here. :wink:

And would it be possible to assign Group ID’s of objects in the sequence they were selected?

That is not possible at thist time cause blender selection order is not traceable, but we can in future make a custom select operator that assign it on the selection order.

An additional MotionTools Operator to Remove selected objects from MotionTool Group.

That can be done too, i think maybe a “Clean Groups” can make already for next realease!

Thanks for all your feedback we really want to listen to you guys.

Awesome thanks!

For the Object Transform, Get Vector and Get Float and other nodes that I can select an object to get the info from: Would it be possible to add the ability to select an object by its ID and group name?
An example I’m attempting now is animating a group of boxes to locations of randomly placed Empties in another group.
For example, I would like to be able to select object 3 in group “Empties”, get its position and set that as the EndPosition for an Anim Position node for object 3 in group “Boxes”.

Also, are you planning on adding Float, Integer, Bool, String nodes so we can easily change properties in multiple nodes?

And can you break out the properties for many of the inputs for nodes. ie object name selectors for Get Float, Get Vector, Object Transform, etc. and other String, Float and Integer properties?

@vitorbalbio: Maybe you find that interesting:

Looks like it’s a sort by name for selected objects don’t? What GregD3 say is about the possibility to track the selection order… For that you need a custom modal operator to select objects that make the selection and keep tracking of it order… sort it by name is other task that we already do (Assign ID Group by Name). Anyway thanks for point it :wink:

Nop, this is for keeping track of the order of selection!

Everytime the scene updates it gets the names of selected objects and checks if you deselected something or if a new object is selected.