Modern House

Thanks, Noob13! I have been using Blender for 2 years.

Hi cekuhnen. Yes, I modeled and textured everything by myself except for those trees, they are from Andrew. :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone! Glad to read so nice comments. :slight_smile:

Very nice rendering.

For my taste a bit to dark.
Shadows should be more blueish and there should be more light inside the house. The reflections on the glass should also not be so dark, they should be more blueish in the same way as the sky is.
Leafes of the vegetation could be maybe have a little be more reflection to get more of a jusy taste.

Kind regards

Looks almost exactly as the house from Andrew’s Arch Academy. What a coincidence.

Thanks for the feedback, Alain! I will have this in mind in the future! :slight_smile:

Wow. I seriously had to do a double take on frame04. Thought you smuggled in a photo.
It’s awesome!

it is very Nice Sebastian…I Love it…
Can you tell me about Creation Of shrubs and Tress?!..

very nice ! reminds me a house from architecture academy :slight_smile:

Hello Sebastian we talked the other day via email but wanted to leave here on the forum also my opinion about this work: “Spectacular”!

If possible I would like to know a little more about the material for plants (vegetation).

No offence but it Reminds me very much of this render

Good work though . . .

i want this house xD
good render :wink:

Hi, Rodrigo, thank you. It’s just a mix of translucency, diffuse and glossy shaders.


Thanks, yes is the same style.

Thank you Mirras! :smiley:

great work! Congrats!

Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

The modern house architecture given in this post was really amazing. Thanks for sharing.

No worries! Thanks for your great comment!

It looks awesome! Great work.