MIG 21 over Vietnam


holy cow! this is great!

@garrison H & ignatius13 : thanks a lot for nice words ! very appreciated

Very nice work.

Хороший художник,но неграмотный.Почему у советского самолёта,американская символика?

@Hort, “literally”:), as you said, speaking, this particular airplane was in the North Vietnam Air Forces, not in the Soviet Air Forces. Of course they were a close ally of the Soviet Union in that time, and I would not be surprised if sometimes you could find a Soviet (an “instructor”?), instead of a Vietnamese pilot inside. Officially the Soviet Union was a neutral country in this war (at least it was less directly engaged than in the Korean War)

An example of North Vietnam Air Force markings you can find here: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/37999-mig-21-pfm-vietnam-air-force-academy-148/

Have you thought that the original North Vietnam markings are “an American symbols”, because of the roundels and “wings” on the sides of their stars?

Спасибо Витольд.Я не знал вьетнамскую символику.

No problem. Fortunately I know Russian :eyebrowlift: enough to read and to speak a little.


@Armand: thanks, very appreciated.
@Witold : thanks for answering Hort, I did not understand what he said :slight_smile:
@Hort : I hope Witold answered your question !

Hello, would you mind to post the wireframe for it, I’m quite qurious what is faked by the texture and what is actual mesh.

Hello irokhus,

for sure, no problem. As I have not a lot of time, I post below some pictures I have made during the project. I modelled the whole cockpit and pilot, the plane itself, missiles and so on. But rivets and panels are diffuse/spec/bump maps. Background is a paint over two photos.

A test for colors :

An early cockpit view

The seat before unwrap/detail :

Sorry for double post, attachements limitations :confused:

An AO pass (lines and rivets bumped) :

And a (very bad, sorry) screenshot :

Let me know if it is what you need !

Nice job there man, Clean Topology and fairly low polycount. Would you mind to post the diffuse map here as well?


This the diffuse one (reduced size):

And here is the composite of maps :

Cheers mate, that’s bloody amazing job. I’ve got only one question what controls the roughness map? Never used such one.

It looks awesome. Are you making textures for this or use something from internet?

@irokrhus : it’s to control roughness parameter of a gloss shader.
@Tokugawa23: thanks. I made the whole textures on my own.

looks great but flat like in old video games

This work looks professional, like you should be working on war thunder.

How did you texture that!?