Marc's Sketchbook

Thanks for the compliments @Meshmonkey.

Here’s a puzzle piece set idea I’ve been thinking of expanding on.

Another puzzle piece ready. :slight_smile:

In space super-cold technology is easy and free to use. Super-fluids(second sound), super-pass container membranes, super-lasers, super conducting signal processors, super-magnetic and crystal resonators/dampeners.

Read and ride the waves. :slight_smile:

one of the level entrances…

a couple more level entrances …

Tinkering with caustics.

Here’s the setup.

The lighter tones are the ground color. The darker colors are shadows from the plane that is immediately below the light. Transparent shadows should be enabled for this to work.

(Note: I’m not sure why I put ‘Fresnel’ in there, the plane has no curvature. If you are going to use this, it should be ok to replace that node with a constant value.)

Been using Cycles to experiment with wave math. This is two cardinal sine waves moving in opposite directions and added together for the top plane.

Very cool stuff added, been awhile but it looks like I have a lot to look at :smiley:

Thanks Craig, good to see you here again. :slight_smile:

The first image shows the planets of our solar system being displayed using their masses to drive the emission strength of point lights. The point lights are spaced using astronomical units so unless I bungled the math, this should be the proper scale so far as mass/gravity is concerned.

This seems to work out well since gravity and light have the same intensity falloff-> inverse square of the distance. :slight_smile:

The next image shows the sun as well. That’s Jupiter just barely visible at the right side of the Sun’s gravitational ‘hotspot’.

Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are still clearly visible.

Here’s a screen capture of the setup. Point lights on a white Diffuse shaded plane. The plane is being displayed as wireframe in GLSL mode.

Using structured EM fields instead of brute-force heat to build molecules? :wink:

This is a stress test running using the OSX Wine Emulator on a Radeon 6770 mobile GPU. (The lag only shows when the screen capture tool is running). :slight_smile:

Here’s a model that is going to be a part of an animation for the Sketchfab Star Wars contest. :slight_smile:

I used to have a toy X Wing, and I am missing the greebles on the back of the main engine area where it is just flat on the very back. Texturing looks pretty cool, but might be a little dark.

I’m planning to upgrade the X-wing with extra mechanical looking parts if I have time.

Here’s a Tie Fighter almost ready for export, 4800 vertices. I don’t think I’ll be going for the authentic look of a real Star Wars model.

I like the die cast metal toy look I’m getting in Cycles. With the right masks I should be able to get pretty close to this in SketchFab (hopefully :wink:
(Update, the shading looks nothing like the Cycles version :wink:


nice stuff in here,
I mostly like

#5 game lion, cool design
#6 the chess game, nice materials
#50 the solar system showing the gravity as light is a very smart idea
