Loramentum - Concept renders for a watercooled, wall mounted PC - Real PC pics pg 3

just missed the bump on the metallic material…

WOW i’m really impressed mannnn ! :eek:

Looks amazing. So real.

I just came across these images in the banner… Absolutely blown away by the quality and attention to detail in this build. Hugely inspiring (and would love to see the actual finished machine!)

Really nice!

I like this alot! When are you going to be posting photos of the real thing?

Thanks for the kind words everybody :slight_smile:

I don’t check back here nearly as often as I should, I’m just so busy with various forum updates and duties that things slip from my mind.

Cheers! That would explain the extra comments a month on, I usually expect threads to be buried after the comments go on for a bit, was surprised to see more responses (even if my reply is over 2 months late…).

You’re definitely right on the fan housing part. I really should have used the material from the PSU, which does have the noise pattern you mentioned. I think I was just being a bit lazy at that point though, hate modeling fans for some reason.

The tubing is actually really simple. It’s literally just two tubes inside each other, the outer one has an acrylic material, whilst the inner one has a water-like material (dyed that is). The trick is actually in mixing the inner material so that it glows a bit. I mixed in an emission shader so as to negate the false shadow effect that glass materials can have in cycles. Aside from that it’s just tweaking until it looks right, live view helped so much for that. The fittings were even simpler, just a knurl bump map UV wrapped around the collars.

Thanks! I’m still in the process of building it, although I’m getting pretty close to the finish now. Here’s a progress pic:


The blue is because that’s the only dye I had to hand. Dyeing the coolant for a leak test makes spotting things much easier I’ve found as it stains the paper towels.

It’s looking very good! I like it a lot.

What fans are you using for the radiator?

I was wondering how you would make the perpex water tight when you add the top layer… how beautifully simple, and then hidden by what I assume will be a top coat of paint or a cut out mask of some kind.

I guess another question is, is this a 3 layer perspex set up or are the channels milled into a thick bottom piece… I’m guessing 3 layers as I can’t see how you could mill a block of perspex without it becoming semi-translucent?

Do you think you could build me one too? Lol

wow what a concept! the modeling and rendering are great but the idea of a water cooled computer is really Great.
very nice!

I really like your work ! I’m always impressed when somebody recreate electronic stuff in 3D.

I really like the concept work you’ve done here! A small and compact minimalist PC is always a good thing. I looked at the images and I couldn’t spot any issues. They’re esthetically pleasing all around. Great work!

Some of the links bring me to pictures in 1024x576 resolution, not 3840x2160. For example, the first picture of your post.
Another issue is that your links are a bit messed up. Especially the one of the build in the black suitcase, brings me to the picture of an empty suitcase.
Still, great build! Amazing work, and very beautiful. If anything, it just proves Blender is great for such projects, and that you have great skills and/or patience.

Very impressive, both the render and the specs.

This makes me want to get a better computer. Also, insert anti-Mac comment.
Looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished product

Wow I’m sorry for taking this long to respond here, turned into a bit of a necro post almost.

As I promised, here are the final finished pictures of the actual PC! As you can see, it’s turned out pretty similar to the original renders. I made a few changes such as with the coolant as the original one simply didn’t stand out enough in real life, was completely swallowed up by the black frame.











Very nice case man!

Being a nerd this image strikes me over and over again.