Lego 856 Bulldozer

very nice detailed render good job

I know how you could improve this!

ANIMATE it! :eyebrowlift2:

Lol good luck for that :slight_smile:

that was so sick man! congratulations ! :cool:

great modelling bro! love it… flashback :slight_smile:

Thanks everybody:p
lcq92: A animation will probably take some days to render so I wont make one right away^^ I need my computer for secret important stuff right now(gaming):stuck_out_tongue:

I especially like the smalllest details, like those small LEGO letters, or a light in the red lamp. Very subtle and detailed work! I can only imagine that my students could ever do this… if they are not that lazy…

Thanks piotao^^

Excellent render. I have it as a wallpaper. That inspires me. I’m trying to replicate a lego piece myself and I’m having problems trying to add edge loops after I set the subsurf modifier. I use the array modifier to get a big block and then I try to add edge loops to get the borders straight with no success. I think is a matter of trial and error. Anyway, great job. Nice realistic looking model.

Excellent piece. A pity that cycles is too slow for rendering animation yet

This is an amazing work! Congratulations!

Excellent work. The quality of the material is spot on. Would love to see it animated.

Excellent piece. Very realistic.

Thanks everybody^^
Jake Rupert: Yea, cycles is way to slow and noisy for animations. 2 hours render at 1000 samples and still a bit noisy…

Oh I recall owning this model when younger. You’ve done an excellent job. How many unique parts did you have to model? I guess the regular studded parts and axels are simple variations of a base mesh?

would be sweet with a simple animation, can you bake Cycles render into materials?

Any chance of a wire or a wire close up of some parts? I’m really interested in your sweet bevels.

Thanks 3pointEdit:)

The model has a total of 172 pieces of Lego, 46 individual Lego parts+2 rubber bands. As you said; most of the parts where “mutations” of other bricks, so most of the job was copying existing parts to make a new part.

You can study the individual parts yourself if you want to take a closer look(all the different parts should be on layer 6):

Here are a wire image as requested^^

Wow thankyou so much

cool work!!!

Thanks islara1:)

I think in these cases the Cinema 4D rendering is faster and the same results are achieved without having to spend much time in this same work, is an example achieved in only 3 minutes. I am very ignorant in the area of use of materials, lighting and rendering, it still does not look so different … Very good work …! Sorry for my English.