Krita Kickstarter 2016 on it's way!

@Sinan, Could you share these outputs from the terminal?

lsb_release -idc

cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i -m 2 universe

ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | grep -i krita

dpkg -l | grep -i krita

On Mint here, had the same issue. Seems like despite adding the new PPA it still installs the package from the mint/ubuntu repository instead. And if you then install krita-testing, it removes krita, so then nothing works. Instead you should do:

sudo apt-get install krita-2.8

and then:

sudo apt-get install krita-testing

Using “krita-2.8” instead of “krita” will make it pull the PPA package because it’s the only one with that name. So then krita-testing will overwrite it properly without deleting krita-data and you’ll have 2.9 working.

Or update your repo listing and install krita-2.9 directly. They’ve finished building :slight_smile:

Check root/opt/project-neon/krita/bin

Also, make sure you have all other versions of krita deinstalled, this is important.

Edit: also, about the stable version, if you would read the thread you’d learn that the guy in charge of the ppa was ill during release. He couldn’t add the stable version, but because the unstable version was pretty much the stable version at that time, I recommended to go to krita-testing. We don’t go around making life difficult just because we can, you know :confused:

I do not know where Mint saves sources.list. I just wanted to know which version of Ubuntu it is based. Maybe you get something with?

cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i -m 3 deb

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list | grep -i -m 3 deb

By the way, the Mint version you used, Is it based on Ubuntu or Debian?

Ok, I needed that line:

It seems it is based on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty).
So when you add the repository (sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dimula73/krita), what is the content of the file “/etc/apt/sources.list.d/dimula73-krita-trusty.list”? (I guess that is the path where it is created as in Ubuntu)

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dimula73-krita-trusty.list

That is, I want to see if “add-apt-repository” correctly detect the version of Ubuntu in Mint.

Sinan, the problem seems to be that 2.9 doesn’t install a krita.desktop file in usr/share/applications so it doesn’t show up anywhere.

If you go to your KDE Menu Editor it should be there and if you type “krita” in a terminal or the application menu it opens just fine.

If you’re bothered about not having an icon/shortcut to place on your dock/desktop/whatever you can create one anywhere and drop it wherever you want.

I’ve had similar difficulties installing on Gnome Ubuntu 15.04 (using the site ppa and instructions). In the terminal it indicates it’s installed but when I attempt to run from terminal it says it’s not found. I’m not in front of it right now so I can’t post the output.

Something else that’s weird is when I launch the Ubuntu Software application it shows the Krita components as being installed.

So when you both first uninstall everything related to Krita. Then you install “krita-2.9” OR “krita-testing” from the PPA (please install only one of them). Do you find Krita on “/opt/project-neon/bin/”?

From the terminal:

whereis krita

ls /opt/project-neon/bin/

So what happens when you run Krita from the terminal?


So the problem seems to be that the launcher is not created correctly in non-KDE distributions.
You should create a launcher pointing that path. I use Kubuntu (KDE) and creating launchers is really easy. But I do not know how to do it in your desktop environment.

I’m getting a painfully long startup and file loads on Windows 8.1. Didn’t get this with 2.8.

Nvidea geforce? We’re still trying to figure this one out, actually.

Yep, gtx 760. Good to know it’s a known issue.

when I run the first command it tells me it’s installed i get:

whereis krita
krita: /usr/share/man/man1/krita.1.gz

but when I cd to that directory I don’t see it. Stranger yet when I try to reinstall it says:

krita is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 45 not upgraded.

and when I try to run it from the above folder I get:

bash: /usr/share/man/man1/krita: No such file or directory

any ideas? and here’s what I see when searching for it in the software center

It seems you do not have Krita installed from the PPA. You search for “krita” in the package manager and you uninstall all packages related to Krita. Then add the ppa and install:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dimula73/krita

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install krita-2.9

Run Krita:


If after that you can not run Krita, you share the outputs from the terminal:

ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | grep -i krita

dpkg -l | grep -i krita

thanks I’ll try your suggestions:)

I just figured I was not the only person (by far) experiencing a very slow Krita on my Windows. At least I know it’s being investigated !

New windows build Krita 291 don’t have gmic filter what happens

Thanks a lot for the heads up. I just figured out my problem comes from 16bit.

G’Mic was deemed too unstable despite long going efforts to get it fixed.

To explain, gmic, as a filter framework, has it’s own parser system, but for some reason, this parser doesn’t build right on msvc, and Krita can’t be build with mingw(which gmic is usually build with), this in turn results in gmic taking 5 hours to build on windows, which makes the actual bugs at the heart of this impossible to fix: the parser needing tons of space(stack size) to even read the filters, which it often doesn’t have and thus results in crashes. (Amongst others)

These kind of things would be written in the release notes, but these haven’t beeen written yet, you’re too early.

Edit: here’s the mailinglist thread, most of the unmentioned things were from irc.