
Leged eye
Weapon - laser beam

I love the new monster :smiley:

thanks : D

Poy’s pre-transformation


( … )

Poy: The “savage blaze”. He controls volcanic eruption and lava surge. Ka’s brother. He is calm and friendly. But because of his overwhelming power, the demised spirits possessed and manipulated him for a global destruction.

I am currently thiking how the armor suit of Poy should look like and how the transformation scene would be. Each time i create a model, i always use many paper pages for sketching. Especially for the armor of Poy i use more , since i think this character should be the one who has the coolest look in game. If you have any suggestion please share me in your replies.

Really liking the way Poy’s model looks looks, especially the head. The tattoos look really cool!

Thank you :D! I dont know how to build the armor suit for this character yet. If you have any suggestion i am glad to know.

You’re so lazy so i post for you ~ sketch of poy’s armor

(quick sketching with ball pen)
this is a sketch of Poy’s suit, i guess this idea is fine for him. I am working on this currently.

Armored Poy model ( retopologized, applied normal maps )

Today I create this model basing on the sketch Kaimy posted above. This took so many hours since all parts of the armor have to be sculpted (in Zbrush and Blender) and those become a huge amount of polygons @.@ …

As you can see in the picture, i separated the pant , the body and the hard armor parts. Especially I want the armor parts to be shining and glowing during the game because POY is the only special character which has different appeal as giant form, unlike KO and KA. The pant and the body mesh will be merged into one object after the diffuse texture of the pant is done.

And of course i will edit the real time transformation scene :eek:

Finished armor suit of Poy

Flame bat - Stage 5 boss - Ko’s mode

I am currently sculpting it

now under detailing progress

The model is finished and now in rigging and animating. This is a simple bat model i made for my project. This should be a fire bat, that can give heat from its wings and also use them to defend - shield itself.

You can noticed the bat has only 3 fingers now, the thumb of it (which was on the scultped version) was removed under my purpose. Since it looks too much like a regular bat in demon-related games. I want the project to keep its neutral korean style and some kind of creativity :smiley:

And as usual like other models in the game, the boss bat has normal, diffuse (merged with AO) and specular texture.

Boss bat AI prototype
Ko’s mode

'based on Storm Eagle of RockMan X"

Nice work with this! Your models look very nice and the gameplay looks awesome :D!

Thanks alot Thatimster :slight_smile:

this is how the scene should look like. I am pretty bad at setup lighting in game. I hope it fits the burning fighting arena

Bossbat fighting scene test ( 0 damage )

I am now abit stuck with designing new monsters so today i just do some visual improvements.

Some particle effects were added in the character select menu. Each time you move the mouse on a character card. the effect generator will change to bubbles, sakura, and sparkles.

Some optimization of logic was added into the game. I had a bit trouble with the 3rd person script. It was checked and rewritten by @Monster. Thanks alot again!

The bubble Ko throws creates some little cute bubble effect behind it now.

Ko’ first transformation: He can cause more damage to enemy ( freezes them and reduces their health instantly; i will add this later). And a shield is floating around him. This shield will always track (still in test) to all objects that can cause damage and fade them away. Actually, it doesnt really have that function, just a visual element. When Ko is transformed, a collision sphere will cover him. Which is a ghost object that can detects other objects and manipulate them.

And the last thing, some cute little sunshine for the start menu.

it is nice style good work

Thanks! ^^

(a little bit too much bloom effect…)
I upgraded the transformation, the powered-up attack of KO, added some new particle effects and cleaned up some animations.
Announcer voice added!