
wha thats pretty sick! thats the way i also want to do. Backgrounds gonna have many layers

I made a teleporter that gives this kind of animation and transfer values into globalDict,


Keisha is typing the address of the next stage to her body so she will be teleported to there.

Looks awesome!
I think that before she disappears you should either have a bright flash or lots of particles to ‘hide’ her disappearing, otherwise it sort of looks strange.

This looks amazing:D I agree with Thatimster about that flash.

thanks Thatimster

I would make it too, a small explosion then machine will also close.
Currently i am not sure with her last pose yet, i plan to make a glowing white pre-rendered shape of her last frame fading out slowly after she disappears.

edit: thanks adriansnetlis ^^

Wow, this is like Metroid :smiley:

thanks Marvin ^.^

This looks like it’s coming along nicely!
When she rides the bike, you should make her hair flap around. :slight_smile:

thanks Scalia
Hm i will think about that. The character pose during the bike riding is basicly related to the height of the bike and the ground. She can sit ( when low) and stand ( when high). I dont know how to blend the animation with flapping hair yet, but when it works why not ^.^

i have been working on few new updates but could not sum them up into one video because all those need to be separated first. What i can show is only the improved teleporter

Wow looks much better :D!

I still think the ‘light shadow’ should not move once the skin version has disappeared. So it is like the left over particles.

Okay. that’s just plain awesome

…Did you say that this is your first game project?

Because holy cow, it looks incredible.

thanks Thatimster, Scalia and MichellSea

@Thatimster the ghost form of Keisha is her “transferable digital format”. i spawn her as that form at every beginning of any level too. It is still her body, not shadow ^.^

@MichelleSea it is not my first project. but the first one of mine that contains many good logics

Thank you all for the nice words!

Today i could just finish the hand and head less version. I would probably adjust some details so that it could give a decent aura.

The mesh is done.

Nice progress, been watching your thread all morning :smiley:

Wow, nice character model, I like it :smiley:

thanks BPR and MCJ ^^

I have a picture of its wire structure
I use edge split modifier to adjust the surfaces