
Woa they really look the same. i did not even know that design before!

This is looking really neat, really like the robot mech and the way the destructible blocks break.

thanks InvertedPyramid, long time no see your thread upate. O.O

This is the password system. TwisterGE made the code for that. Thanks!

Nice touch :slight_smile:

thanks Marvin ^^

Beside using the ride able robot , Keisha can also sit on this thing and drive in 2 scenes. Hover bike? O.O

The UV is kinda… annoying

More details will be painted later. Thanks to TwistedGE for the hoverboard logic.


The game is coming along nicely

thanks Marvin weeee

I think you game would look with this 2D Filter blenderendersky posted. What do you think? :eyebrowlift2:

uniform sampler2D bgl_RenderedTexture;uniform sampler2D bgl_DepthTexture;
uniform vec2 bgl_TextureCoordinateOffset[9];

const float near = 0.1;
const float far = 10.0;

float depth(in vec2 coo)
 vec4 depth =  texture2D(bgl_DepthTexture, coo);
 return -near / (-1.0+float(depth) * ((far-near)/far));

void main(void)

    vec4 sample[9];
    vec4 border;
    vec4 texcol = texture2D(bgl_RenderedTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].st);

    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        sample[i] = vec4(depth(gl_TexCoord[0].st + bgl_TextureCoordinateOffset[i])); 

    vec4 horizEdge = sample[2] + sample[5] + sample[8] -
                     (sample[0] + sample[3] + sample[6]);

    vec4 vertEdge = sample[0] + sample[1] + sample[2] -
                    (sample[6] + sample[7] + sample[8]);

    border.rgb = sqrt((horizEdge.rgb * horizEdge.rgb) + 
                            (vertEdge.rgb * vertEdge.rgb));

       if (border.r > 0.8||border.g > 0.8||border.b > 0.8){
        gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  gl_FragColor.rgb = texcol.rgb;
        gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

thanks Marvin

I added a cellshading filter too, but just by comparing both versions, i see the one you give here gives more precise lines than the other one in my game. What about the license of this?

Licence? Idk, got it BRsky

I recently developed few new features:

  • Ladder logarithms ( one code that will work for every object that shall function like ladder)
  • Elevator logarithms (thanks to sdfgeoff for enhancing it)
  • Camera movement (camera always shows more of the screenside player is looking at, thanks to TwistedGE)
  • Level 1 expansion
  • Level 1 background theme
  • Assets
  • Dialogue logarithms
    and also the story of the game.

Let the progress continue :smiley: Nice

It is looking awesome so far. Keep up the work. I think that this game is slowly approaching the best BGE game list:D

thank you both, i will try my best ^.^

Wow, looks great Rocky, keep going :slight_smile:

reminds me of mega man, nice work!

any way to paralax a few layers of back ground? then it would be perfect!

thanks cypher2012 and BluePrintRandom ^.^

@BPRandom: yes it is fully inspired by Megaman/ Rockman. since CAPCOM stops developing next versions of RockMan which brought its fans into frustration, i decided to make my little game which is also about a robot who will stands to the side of mankind and prevents bad stuffs.

In this game i give my character the ability to own every weapon of normal enemies and bosses ( whose weapons are limitless and changeable during gameplay).–> which will annoy much at scripting T_T

What do you mean with paralxing background layers? i dont know in how far that definition means.

I only use a script to spawn all plattform as a text-based structure. The back/ foregrounds also equal a symbol in that text, but i adjusted its position to make the level more …volumetric (?)

Ahh, if the background is made by text and uses geometry, you can just move the background at a different rate then the foreground, giving a sense of depth if you use many layers.

Check this out,