J.B. Johnson Steam Fire Engine (1864)

wow… that looks real. (well i suppose that “is” the point) but woa… nice job dude:eyebrowlift:.
keep up the work.

So I was sitting there looking at the image and thinking, wow he is good at modeling from a photo. That looks pretty awesome…wait a minute…hi-res…that’s not a refrence picture? SWEET MOTHER OF MARY!!! So, what is a god doing on the forums posting their secret ways? Just wondering. If ye be but mortal man, how long did this take you, ten years? Fantastic work…definately appeals to my steampunk fetish…

Now this some thing i learned from my folks.
i like that combination.
I really lik ethe combination of colours , looks chocklaty , but good , and alos that solodis hat is quite matchhing with shoees - tah agood peice.
I like that.The shouldders were creative

It looks like an antique photo

looks very real 6/5

very nice work!

Very realistic. Great image!

Fantastic lightning effect in the old foto. Thanks for sharing.

Very impressing!

Great realism!

Very neat! I’ve never seen this type of post effect.

I went to the fire station that owns the machine and took around 100 pictures :wink:

…Reminds me of when I got the chance to see Atlantis at KSC!

Wow !
I was really asking my self if it is a real ancient photo or a render !

Will never look for my old photographs again – will simply render them :wink:
Really great … rather new to blender and surprised what one can do with it.