Invicta - (RTS)

So this is the newest set up. have most of he basic mechanics working now. Now it’s a matter of lowering the poly’s, polishing the animations and adding textures. Then we can possibly start new units.

This looks like it’s going to be an awesome game:D

Thanks man I really appreciate it

So the video doesn’t have me droning on during it so I figured I’d give a little insight into what you’re seeing in the video.

So I made cover points around the map. Each point has two sides. When an NPC is in range of an enemy unit they will track to and path find to the nearest enemy (finding the nearest enemy is a pain in itself). If at any point on its journey the ray shooting from it’s face touches the nearest enemy then he will shoot.

Now the sides of the cover points I made are cube’s with Radar. If at any point the nearest enemy is within the radar of the nearest cover and the nearest cover is closer to the NPC than the nearest enemy he will then instead path find to the nearest cover but still track to the nearest enemy, shooting along the way. If he gets behind cover, meaning that he is on the side of the nearest cover that is further than the nearest enemy and the enemy is in the covers radar then he will crouch and shoot.

If the enemy is no longer in the radar zone of the cover then the cover is useless and the NPC will either go back to pathfinding his way to the enemy or will move to the next piece of cover that meets all the requirements.

finding cover is also a pain cause he needs to check: where all the cover is, where the nearest cover is, if it is available meaning the current dude next to that cover either equals no one or himself.

finding the nearest enemy looks kind of like this

enemies_sorted = [] 
enemies_unsort = [enemy for enemy in obj_list if "threat" in enemy and enemy['team'] != self['team']]

for i in enemies_unsort:
    distance = [self.getDistanceTo(i), i]
    self['closest_enemy'] = enemies_sorted[0][1]

So yeah that’s all I got for now I think.

So here is the new set up

Added a left click "walk and fight’ mode and right click “walk and ignore enemies” mode

And so here is the newest adventure

Reminds me of Final Fantasy tactics, my favorite Turn based Rpg (on a equal level with Chrono trigger.)

o… wait…

you should totally add real-time combo attacks. (like chrono-triggers system but something done from a UI in game in real time)

Do you have an example? or what should I google?

as for triggering the behaviors, you would just need condition flags, (other unit is aimed and ready or?)

like covering fire and move up ?

or throw grenade, that rocket follows,

or Shoot rocket, and unit reloads another rocket, allowing a double attack etc.

Okay I’m with you. As development progresses a lot of what you’re talking about will happen automatically with different types of units. And units upgrading. But I’ll keep this in mind.

This is the newest set up. Finally got a handful of bugs fixed. Thanks to BluePrintRandom and Thatimster for the help.

You could always have a commander, who would give off something that helps your troops in battle. He would probably be very lightly equipped, probably a pistol and light armor.

You should make enemies that are flanked take 2 times damage,
You should make small fast suicide units,
You should add a unit that is a warp field specialist, and sniper.
Very weak, armor wise, high damage, but then is exposed if he fires,

He can teleport, himself and another unit, to anywhere he can shoot.

good ideas guys

O yeah, a medic, that can keep units alive,

(A reason to snipe)

Excellent work! If you need some designs, characters or scenarios, even if you want to improve the models but you haven’t time, don’t doubt in call me! I will be glad of help you in some little things.

A demolition type unit might be interesting. His special would be planting mines or manually triggered bombs. I could see where it might even be able to throw off the cover-seeking behavior of other units and set up some traps. This unit would probably be weak, but could also explode and cause strong damage to anything nearby. So in addition to adding yet another strategy, it could also be used as a kamikaze unit. But it also means you don’t want it near your other units if it takes too much damage.

I could also think of some subset of rules for the mines/bombs too. Regular mines cause smaller damage, but no units could detect them but the mine-layer. Mine layer guy can also clear mines and bombs. Manually triggered bombs cause bigger damage, and other units may detect them at some limited range. (Still within area of effect though.) If bombs/mines are detected, then AI may make some attempt at avoiding them. Regular bombs might also be set off by firing directly at them, or chained with other bombs. Mines/bombs carried by demo-unit would be limited and also take some time to charge or need some kind of refill station.

Hope it’s not too complicated, but it sounds like this idea might be workable into gameplay.

Very awesome work!

Regarding an idea(s) for a unit:
How about one that can provide light weapons fire, but also possess some stealth abilities. Stealth such as being able to avoid being tracked or detected by robot-type units, but still vulnerable to detection by humanoid units. Maybe also provide similar services to friendly units that aren’t separated by terrain or buildings from the stealth unit.

Another idea would be to have a unit that can act as a sort of artillery unit, maybe being land-based and bombarding an area with artillery for a moment when called on to do so. This could be an asset worth protecting, so other units would have to be assigned to guard it or to take care in their fighting in other ways.

Titans- Giant tanks- expensive, slow, heavy armor, heavy weapons, doesn’t work well agains infantry. maybe anti-mech/tank.
Human propelled light artillery (HPLA)- pushes mounted machine gun/or light cannon around the map.

So I totally wanna start some work on a non-test level. But I realised I know absolutely nothing about good RTS level design. All I know is while kind of stale it’s hard to go wrong with symmetry. Other than that I’m lost.

Anyone have any tips or wisdom to share?