Invicta - (RTS)

Hey, this is looking cool. Just adding the cover mechanics already makes it look like pretty fun to fight them. Keep it up!

how about this for the suicide unit?

second file includes explosion trigger


MagicBall.blend (1.22 MB)MagicBall2.blend (1.26 MB)

And the journey continue’s

I really like the new mech, I personally have never seen something like that, and I like the concept. It is nice to have terrain now, adding more depth to the already nice looking game.

Good luck


Thanks a million Solarlune :slight_smile:

BluePrintRandom, I will probably do a suicide unit but I’m a little concerned that they will be OP. I’m not a big fan of Banelings etc. But if I do them it will probably be a similar set up to the current units :slight_smile: Thanks for the demo.

Thanks for the well wishes fredstash :slight_smile:

Ooo, I thought of a thing!

Unit crafting?

Like, have different base types of units (soldiers, mechs, copters), different armors, different weapons, and different special abilities, and allow players to craft their own units?

(It probably won’t work very well if this is a match-based game like Starcraft)

In essence Games Workshop does a very similar thing with Warhammer by giving each unit customize-able gear. Even if it’s match based it could work as long as everyone has access to the same upgrades more or less.

I think you could have unit classes (i.e. mech, infantry, Air) and then sub-classes within each class, like infantry could consist of a sniper, a Tank infantry, or a normal infantry.

Hey Skormeus, your game is looking great! It seems, that you know very well what you are doing here. Looks very promising!
I want to ask you a question,just out of curiosity - how many units are expected on the scene in a normal game? Last time I check Blender ge capabilities of handling bones+vertex moving , the picture was not good, then I decide that a strategy game was not Blender ge strong side, but things might be different now.
The thing back then was, that even your logic is perfect and your visuals are on there minimum Blender was still not able to manage many units on the scene because of this issue with the bones.
I suggest you to make some extreme tests with as many units as you think the game will be fine+textures,lights and shadows and see what the picture is. Hopefully my info is outdated and now Blender ge is quite able of handling bones.
Please write back, I’m indeed very curious about this test and it seems that you are the right person to ask.

Hey Haidme! While I think Blenders capability for rendering more armatures may be better than back in 2.4X etc I still don’t think I can take the unit count anywhere near Starcraft numbers. The plan is to make units count more and approach and quality or quantity situation to help keep the count down. Also in my game you will field units ahead of time instead of building them in game. This should also help control the amount of units on screen.

At this point my models are WAY too high poly anyways and I’m hoping to do some refining as well as taking advantage of the new LOD built into the Blender GE. So as far as stress testing like you said I’m going to have to do a bit of refining (for instance adding textures) before I could get accurate results from a test. But I will throw some stats up as soon as I do.

Btw I want to say how surreal it is to hear feedback from you. When I started in 2008 Krum was the project that made me want to make games in the BGE. Thanks for being an inspiration.

one large uv texture atlas, and selective uv mapping, and reusing shapes etc, is the way to keep performance up with nice detail,

Ok great! I’m sure you know, what to do and how to do it right, so your game is in good hands :wink:
And thank you for your kind words, I’m still learning Blender just like you and my game is keep going just because I’m so stubborn, its bordering on stupidity. :smiley:

Hey everyone i have a question. I need HUD’s for each unit. Is it better to make one HUD overlay scene and the assets change depending on the active unit or to make a separate HUD overlay scene for each unit?

How many different types of units are there? If there is more than 5 I would say a changing HUD but otherwise a seperate HUD overlay. My reasoning would be that after 5 this could get a little tedious.
However using a changeable HUD, would give the benefit of a consistent layout.

Yeah I’m with you on the changing HUD. Thanks. Also going through your explosion tutorials right now. Good work.

Honestly, in terms of the changing HUD, I would use multiple different objects across one HUD scene, and a single camera that you change the position of depending on where you go.

also, replace mesh works quite well,

Not sure exactly what you meant Miss Michelle. And yeah Blueprint. I’m probably just going to do a dictionary of meshes + replace mesh. Also I ended up having to switch back to Dynamic Physics mode. At this point in time the Character physics mode is wack with poo brain concerning the NavMesh system. Figured out that was what all my problems were coming from.


Left and right arrow keys change the animation in-game.

Each frame has the camera at a totally different place, looking at a totally different HUD object(s).

Oh okay I thought that might be what you meant. Thanks for clearing it up :smiley: