Interactive Quadrangulation

I didn’t have time to fully play around with this tool over the weekend but I will probably do a re-topo this evening. I watched about half the YouTube videos and have the other half to go through but thankfully the are all pretty short. I think this has to be built into a sculpting app because you can get freakishly huge obj files when you export out of Blender.

I had a multires file that I exported out at 5 million quad faces (800MB file), 1.7million quad faces and 300K quad faces. I could only manage to get the 300K file to open.

The only thing that is worrying a bit is the shear amount of three valance poles it seems to through out, I noticed this in Orange posts and in the video’s I watched hopefully this is something easy to resolve.

I agree! I think they should hire him at least for the next 30 Years! :yes:

Oh myyyyyy.
Its simple. We create crowd-funding campaign and hire this genius, Kenshi Takayama, to implement this in blender. :slight_smile:

I would take half of my monthly healthcare plan and give it to him to implement this on Blender!

I’d donate a good amount as well to have this on Blender (actually, if having stuff crowdfunded accepted as blender patches were that easy, I’d stop funding Gooseberry and Dev Fund and pay for stuff that directly improves my workflow, since it doesn’t seem to be the same as the guys at BF). The problem is how much he (or other person capable) would want to do it and update it, since there’s no guarantee that the guys at BF would accept it.

supported the initial FBX development from mont29 and it is nowadays a usual Blender Foundation project… :slight_smile:
Crowd-funded stuff can work well especially when the initiator is the developer and has an interest/is available
for maintaining it even after the initial crowd-funding.

So count me in when the dev is up for it in the long run, otherwise chances are low to get it included.

really awesome tool and I hope it is going opensource like they thought about it in the mail for Fatesailor or even better, getting integrated into blender…

Please do not resurrect threads half a year old just to express personal hope for hypothetical things to happen eventually :).

greetings, Kologe

I’m sorry but, is this supposed to be a joke?

Can i resurrect this thread?

This is all done from scratch by reading their paper. Aiming to have this as part of retopoflow 2.0

Wooow, ho, ho :eek: a proper revolution.
Looks amazing. Hope it won’t get back into the box.
Congrats on your work.

Last night I reached a progress point where I know some usable tool will come out of this work. Definitely no turning back now. We may not get it to perfection with dragging the the editable poles and matching the edge flows drawn in later, but now that I’ve got proof of concept…I put it into jonathan’s hands, get feedback…we proceed from there. Just to be totally transparent and manage expectations. I started reading this paper in July, have worked off and on for 5 months. I’d say minimum 3 months to get useable smooth tool, but more likely another 5. It took a year for contours…

Sweet! Looking good patmo, congrats!

I liked their tool, but felt the 3D environment, navigation and such was awkward, I wished for something like that in Blender. I’ll definitely buy into that if you guys manage to integrate it decently into Retopoflow. One thing to keep in mind is to somehow keep it Live even when exiting Retopoflow and Entering back. that would be very important. That is one of the current drawbacks of Retopoflow.

Excellent work,


Not to hijack this thread, but a save-able data structure that allows re-entering of a “retopo mode” picking up where last session left off us on the road map. It’s a big road map, but that is on there. Its high on Jon Dennings list.

Awesome news, might actually consider getting retopoflow now.

some more progress

This guy seems to have the right idea, he also mentioned in his latest video how the fracture modifier idea can somehow generate quads instead of voronoi shapes by using another object to define where retopology should occur.

This work is indeed very inspiring.

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