Improving Blender workflow

In sculpting:
3D cursor can be used as the center of symmetry instead of the origin of the object, or as a way to determine the depth
within which the brush can affect mesh or sculpt plane of flatten brush…

in fact, it would be great if we could sculpt not only the polygons, but also verts that do not have polygons.

I second the suggestion to edit multiple objects at once. It can be annoying to work with multiple objects that I may want to unwrap at the same time using the same UV layout but also keep each object origin intact.

You have to save the startup file.

Agree for the most part. Somewhere there is a 3d cursor addon, advaced 3d cursor?

Ko. an update on symmetry tool will be a great idea (like now is on modo 901)

You can even use a Vitaly Bulgarov style symmetry with Blender.

I have the feeling that with Blender, the developers, are trying to reinvent the wheel, there are many things that works and are standard in other software that do work, so I don’t see why they could not be implemented/adapted into Blender.

I have also noticed that people using different software are finding problems in the same areas as me with the Blender workflow, that’s why, even if its free, people prefer not to use Blender and pay money to have a more common and functional workflow.

If I want to have the tools I commonly use in my workflow in one place, for example at the bottom (just think of Maya Shelf) what are the steps that I have to follow to do that in Blender?

It’s Ctrl+Q and then a click on the Maya icon

How is it if in Maya I want to replicate some blender behaviour?
Comparing unique features doesn’t make much sense, unless in a few years by now all the softwares will have emulated each other tools, and then we’ll have a few apps that look the same and do the same stuff in same ways.

Didn’t know this was the Cabaret section of Blenderartists.

I may rephrase my question better so, since I don’t even use Maya, that was just a practical and common visual example.

What if I want to change what is inside the T menu, like adding a new sub panel or reorganize the order of the various options, what I have to do?

Sorry for the sarcasm SonicBlue, didn’t want to sound rude. i should have included smilies :wink:

Or, you know, you could simply have not levelled snark against someone asking a reasonable question. Just a suggestion. :wink:

At this time, you’ll need to edit the Python scripts dictating the setup of those panels. Blender does not, at this time at least, have the ability to drag & drop functionality into easy-to-use shelves/panels like some other applications. One of the interesting ways you can learn how to do this is to look at Rigify which creates a script for adding code to the UI for armature control.

You could write your own helper plugin. A good one to start with is the “3D Navigator Toolbar” that is basically just buttons with simple functions.
The code is not that hard to understand:

For example look at the line “row.operator(“view3d.viewnumpad”, text=“Front”).type=‘FRONT’”
It just executes the line of python that you can also see when you roll over “View -> Front” in the menu with the addition of the “text” variable that is used for the name of the button and without the “bpy.ops”.

So making your own panel with just a few buttons is not that hard.

This looks quite complicate as I’m still trying to understand the software workflow; I think I have to wait till they add this function.

Is it already being proposed?

Another thing that could be added is a warning for conflicting shortcuts.

It’s always been planned. In fact, there was a nascent version of a customizable tool shelf during the 2.5 development, but if I recall correct, the implementation had some issues, so it was scrapped in favor of getting it right in the future. As far as I know, the plan is still there; it’s one of the remaining design tasks from the 2.5 series.

This is more complicated to achieve than it sounds. Blender’s hotkeys are highly contextual (the same key could be used for different tasks depending on the editor, mode, and even modal operator currently in use). This provides a lot of power and flexibility, but the trade-off is that a “this hotkey is already in use” warning isn’t particularly helpful without being very specific about the context. Very nearly all hotkeys are used… many more than once.

What is a Vitali Bulgarov style symmetry if I may ask? I would love to see parametric objects someday. This feature combined with Booltools would be so classic.

It’s not a “Vitaly Bulgarov style symmetry”, it’s an XSI/Maya symmetry (they don’t have Mirror modifier) achieved by using clones with a negative scale on one axis (as shown in that video: linked duplicate scaled -1 on X axis). This leaves the mirrored clone and the original unconnected along the middle though, but you can actually edit both sides (which is tricky with Mirror modifier).

Also known as the most common way to do symmetry in Blender before we had modifiers (2.3?). :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t know, never really used anything below 2.49b, only ran some versions for educational amusement :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it is hard if you know nothing about it, like myself. I was watching this video is a little bit reassuring, I think I can implement some stuff on a Pie Menu, not at the levels of Wazou obviously.

If it says what uses it could help. Not to make always comparison but when I assign something in my application, a warning pops up with “The following commands already have a conflicting shortcut assigned: command that uses it Do you want to remove those assignments?”

From what I see, Blender already have many shortcuts, leaving the user without keys to use, it’s an intricate system.

Since I was replying to Jholen, and he uses XSI, I think he knows Vitaly Bulgarov and that he demoed this technique, so I was showing him that he can do that in Blender too.

Not to my knowledge. Pretty sure we’d have heard about it if so. Scripting & the (half-finished) keymap is the “go to” for any custom changes. The highly vaunted Pie Menus, for example, were released as just an API the end users could use.

[SUP][SUB]Edit: The above is apparently wrong. It is on the TODO list according to Fweeb (and he’d know). It looks like no-one is actually assigned to it and the list is quite long… but it’s at least acknowledged as something that needs to be done.[/SUB][/SUP]

Without trying to start an argument here, it is worth noting that the Blender Foundation is made up of developers and the Blender Institute has a very high ratio of artist-to-developer assets to call on. It probably doesn’t occur to them (or rate as a priority if it does) that most artists are not coders, most small studios don’t have a developer they can call on to write a script for them, and most student artists run screaming from code.

This, indeed, would be fantastic. The best of all worlds would be more than a warning but a simple dialog/interface that allows you to see both of the conflicting operators and edit them together on the same screen (i.e. rather than scrolling half a world away to the other operator using the same key combo).

Uh oh, you said the S word. For some here on these forums, it can be emotionally “triggering”.

But I agree with you completely on convention and standardization. I personally value usability over being a special snowflake in the world of software UX design.

The last thing an artist wants to do is spending weeks on fixing code instead of working on some art, it’s better to leave Blender as it is, even if there are small annoying things that pops every now and then, like the Loop Cut and Slide, which force you to set a plane where you want the cut to be and then, slide all the way to where you really want to cut, instead of doing the cut on mouse position.

To explain it better, you fire the command with CTRL+R and it will display the loop cut as it do right now, but it will be already sliding, starting on mouse position, then, you can made adjustments if the position is not really where you wanted the cut to be and click to commit the cut, without the need to slide all the way to the middle of the polygon to where you want.

This, indeed, would be fantastic. The best of all worlds would be more than a warning but a simple dialog/interface that allows you to see both of the conflicting operators and edit them together on the same screen (i.e. rather than scrolling half a world away to the other operator using the same key combo).

Like a “show function that uses this key” and a pop up window will be displayed with a simpler version of the Input panel, without the stuff on the left for example.

Everything is standardized to a certain degree, your car, your mobile phone, your computer keyboard, your mouse even the operating system, different icons to display the file type, shortcuts on the left, folder address on top, a bar on the top of the window that let you drag it around, LMB to select stuff and RMB to call more functions.

I think if Blender was the standard in the industry, other applications would try to “imitate” its functions to catchup.