Improved sapling tree generator

hello, i like to use it very much, too! Thank you Aaron_b that’s awesome
is it normal i can’t seem to record my presets, however ? Much appreciated cheers :smiley:

bump ? i dont understand the preset recording, it looks broken

hi, Addidi. What happens when you try to save a preset?, is there an error? Make sure the addon is installed in the user scripts/addons folder, the presets should be saved to scripts/presets/operator

Hi! FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: " ... " …i’ve got a workaround, yet, i’m just copying that text settings into a text. Yet, if redoing the tree with a preset could make the settings reusable, would be more than welcome. Thank you

Improved sapling is awsome,is there any leaf bending option.