Ian Lloyd Dela Cruz Sketchbook

Great job !!!
if u can do some tutorials whit retopo and shader to blender community will be great too.
welcome and cheers.

Love the bunny, I happen to be working on a story with one as the central character - this one here is very tough looking, almost afraid if I met him in an alley :smiley:

i actually wanted to sculpt a dragon, 20 minutes later this bunny came out, ah well hahaha!

Arrrrggggghh, run, it’s Pooky!

dyntopo doodle. the bats

I can’t believe it.
I missed this sketchbook, to add a reply.
Amazing work, always love your posts.

Nice stuff!! really fun and very well done.

4 hour dyntopo doodle. the arbiter


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WOW! did you use moarz texpaint stuffs for the hard surface sculpting ?

no, well, not yet, but i practiced on a build before. but the hardsurface areas were sculpted using modified brushes, i built the shapes slowly from low res to hi so this linear workflow helped to really define the shapes. :slight_smile:

(torso, hands, legs are separate elements, posed using mask/twist method, repaired junction with subd collapse on dynto setting)

Great and thank you for the explanation!!

Great sculpts around here, you give a all these characters great charism. Escpecially your hands and arms are masterpieces, their pose is very natural and the muscles flow nicely. Awesome!

the Iceking. WIP. dyntopo sculpt.


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keep doing those nice work iceking

quick stuff. comp in krita. vertex painted.

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sculpt i’m working on.

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Great work, man! Love the pose of the hands. Are those armor pieces already retopologised?

thnx bro, no those are dyntopo meshes. i “retopoed” them using the body as the snapping surface, gave them thickness, subd-ed 2 times, smoothed and sculpted in dyntopo (mostly with constant detail)

You got very sharp edges, I’ll have to try retopo-ing things like that.

dyntopo sculpt. vertex painted.

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