I Will The Game (Teaser + Screenshots + Trailers)

Thanks for the nice feedback! @Nivlac95 & @RossBlenderArt. This will certainly motivate us!

Vote for us on Steam!

I got a question.
Is your motion capture file .bvh
If it is, the blender game engine does not work with them
the last time i checked, so how are you getting them too work in there ?

It is possible to convert to a .bvh file for blender game engine through mocap tools. these can be found in file / user preference / Adons / animation: motion capture tools. With it you can transfer bvh data to your own rig. A good example is the video below.

It is possible to convert to a .bvh file for blender game engine through mocap tools. these can be found in file / user preference / Adons / animation: motion capture tools. With it you can transfer bvh data to your own rig. A good example is the video below.

Good job. Good luck.

@Tort, Thnx! :slight_smile:

Today I found some images from our very first setups of the game…

The character was downloaded somewhere from the internet I don’t remember where exactly. Well compare that with this:

We have aged the environment more and changed the wall textures. We received some comments that the game has some visual conflicts. These changes should resolve this.

Hope your vote for us on the Greenlight too.

A few weeks ago we’ve posted that we are adding new characters to the game which are guard dogs. Their purpose in the game is the same as that of the guards. What different is in comparison with the guards, the dogs can smell when you are near and they can follow your trail.

We’ve succeeded in integrating the guard dogs into the game and here are some screenshots!

We really appreciate all the feedback we’ve been getting and we take them all into consideration. Every week we notice that our game is improving in terms of graphics and animations. We still need your vote to get to greenlight. So if you haven’t voted yet, go now on steam and vote for I Will Escape! :slight_smile: Thanks for your support!


Brian in the sewers.


This game looks so good :),since this looks to be a very huge game how many fps does it usually run on your pc?

Good luck on Steam Greenglight.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

On a standard/basic PC it would run on atleast 30 fps and on a gamers PC it will run mostly on 60 fps. Some drops to 45 fps. We are working very hard to optimize the game.

iam not trying to be mean (:cool:stil like it;)) ,it looks like this game will take a lot of processing memory , how far
are you with the demo.

the memory costs are not that high, around 200 to 400 mb ram.

Nice looking images. Do you touch the c++ code or just python scripts the game? Do you plan on adding new features to the BGE?

for now we only touch the python, there is however a possibility for bge development, that depends when we can get a working builder on windows.

Sounds good.

Ah,not bad memory then you should kind of make the game compatible with all os
just the regular ones (win xp ,7,8 compatible) iam just suggesting. nice images
your really good at keeping your post up to date with the latest info :cool:.

Was on Steam the other day and gave you guys a vote. Good luck with getting the Greenlight! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot really appreciate it!