how to make a Tileable Texture starting from 3D objects

I think this would be the setup, so that there is no need to mess with GIMP / Photoshop after rendering normal map:

Just load the normal map inside the UV/Image Editor window in Blender and then go to: Image | Invert | Invert Green Channel (or whatever you need), then save the image.

@MmAaXx: very interesting and useful tutorial , thanks! :slight_smile:

It doesn’t make any sense. The idea of automation is not to do stuff manually if it can be done automatically. So why would you want to mess with normal (or any other) map after it was rendered, if you can render it out and use it right away?!

I wasn’t suggesting to do this instead of your nodes, of course to have a process automated is the best choice; simply, I had the impression you didn’t know about the Invert option in the Blender UV image editor, so I pointed it out, just in case. My apologies if this offended you in some way.