Heinemann Duty Free Vienna Ball

sure i can share it with others! i love your work! let wild flow out from your mind and continue with your project. forward seeing to see your next projects…:slight_smile:

you should animate them for valentine’s day because it is so perfect!

Hmm , sad , my fears were confirmed then that XSI would not evolve .

Blender is certainly a great application, being open source is pretty much a guarantee that will keep evolving in a frantic pace. I am also a blender developer and the more I learn about blender the more I understand that contributing to blender is far easier than someone would assume. I hope I wil expose this ease with my latest project and bring even more developers to blender.

So definetly you have made a good investement, blender certainly lacks features that can be found in commercial apps but is not only moving fast forwared it keeps accelerating as more and more developers join in and getting more popular is one way street for blender.

Gosh I wish I could do more to help develop blender. Although I cannot code for the life of me.

Here is an early render I found to test the reflections. I still added more water syms in blender after this stage. I was concerned the the characters would get lost without some form showing. Which can easily happen when you render liquid. So I cheated it a little. Not completely realistic but it served the purpose for this project.

Coding is far easier than people think. I am actually in the process of making a book on developing blender addons, I have finished explaining python now I will move to explaining addon creation -> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:Kilon/Python_book_of_magic. The book is tailor made for people with zero experience with coding. And when I say zero experience I really mean it.

Even if you dont like coding, and want to still contribute an area that blender seriously needs help is the blender wiki. Even small corrections are vital. Editing the wiki is something one can learn in a single afternoon and of course anyone is allowed to do so.

I also welcome a tutorial , on how to make water silhouettes like you did here . No need for modeling or showing each step, just some of the tip and tricks to creating such scene. People always find this useful.

Of course the beauty of open source is there are no strings attached and everyone can invest as much time as he or she wants to.

You are so right. The wiki does need some help. I will try and add to that in the future. I’ll check out your coding stuff when I get some free time. Seldom these days though. I will also make some sort of tutorial for this water sym.


. I still added more water syms in blender after this stage. I was concerned the characters would get lost without some form showing.

Speaking of which, could you please share your workflow/setup to provide a little insight as to how you maintained the model/form detail while adding fluid sim? Please!?!


Was going to ask how you shaded it, guess simple sometimes really is the best! Nice Work!

@Ran13 — I am going to try and make a little tutorial in the next few weeks were I explain the entire process of this image.


Glad to read that :slight_smile:

Awesome! Looking forward to it!

Wow! This is incredible! What an original idea. I love it!

do you use also SPH methods for the fluid parts in the advertisement field like strong bold gold?

Great work…are the dancers fluids aswell?

Really awesome! I love bright, cheerful colors like this.

Super! Absolutely! Great job on this!

Well done! I really thought on first impression that they were probably part of an animation since they had so much “action” built into them.

mm, great work! Fun to see what the work is for, too. Very nice fluid feel to it.

very well done

Very cool!