
Its been a while since I’ve posted as been busy with other ‘things’ so thought I upload this new drink that I’ve been playing around with in my spare time.

Render -

Wireframe -

As always any questions please feel free to ask.


Nice! You’ve achieved good colors, believable droplets and foam. Love how the bottle hangs a bit over the edge.

The only area it might fall a bit short IMO is the rendering, where it lacks depth and bling.

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Thanks for feedback, can you give examples of what you mean?

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Just looking through my foggy memory and not looking at any real references or anything, that is very close to how I remember a Guinness looking. Cool!

Nice depth to the liquid. That is hard to achieve from what I remember.


Thanks you as always @bartv :heart:

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The depth and motion with the liquid took a lot of time to find the right way of doing this…


…and it worked absolutely grandl! Slainte!