green woods

Totally amazing piece of work.

A great software on a good artist hands can do this magic.

I wish I was good enough to have people calling me a fake!

Over at Blender Nation the same thing is happening, you have truly convinced some that it is a photo.

I have an animation planned that plays down in the woods. For my short I have slightly more stylized ind mind but just as detailed. This is a real inspiration!!

Nice Work. No, AMAZING work!!

It would be lovely to see a high res render.:smiley:

That’s just awesome. And a bit funny to. :smiley:

Amazing, absolutely stunned by the results!

i was part of the suspicious on that :smiley: But ok ! I’m tired, i’ll wake up tomorrow, i’m just dreaming. If not, a quick tutorial ? :smiley:

Wow. For probably the hundredth time, This is really nice. The second image in the first post, with the two trees, the part on the right looks like reference image, but I think it’s render, right?

Really nice. This image makes me want to see what’s around the next bend. Makes me want to attempt to make something similar.


So amazing…o_O

Excellent in almost all areas, but the construction of the footbridge is a bit dodgy, too regular for such an old and weatherbeaten thing, it’s shown to be falling apart, missing parts, but all the pieces there are still perfectly upright and parallel, just breaks the illusion for me. In the very back some of the supports seem to be defying gravity, their upper ends attached to nothing visible. I think if it had been left more intact it would have been more convincing.

Textures are great, lighting even greater, together they really sell the image.

they’re particles and its cycles.
Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ll try posting wherever people want me to, I just want to finish this up first. just a few days more for some fine tuning.

I might post a sample tree


I didnt know where all these page views were coming from :slight_smile: thanks guys!

Stunning, just Stunning. I love the composition, great use of particles and instancing. it looks like its photo taken right out of oregon along one of its many trails

Is that object—kind of near the middle—a snail shell? And I’d kinds like to see some of the textures you used in this.

oh man, these are just insane rendering…I wish I was 1/10 as good!

Incredible stuff! If I may, I agree with the advice given about the posts in the background (in particular the diagonal support posts in the direct centre of the image) they need to touch the uprights. I like that its missing the hand rails making it an unfinished project - adds to the story. Possibly consider a little more colour variation on the mushrooms. The surface of the water could do with some foam and algae build up around any vegitation poking through the surface (possibly add some mould-like scum on them too). Some fallen leaves/sticks floating along may help to break the uniformity. The colour of the water is really great! That vegitation in the foreground is beautifully done! Extremely impressive stuff!

It’s awsome !!! Great work !!!

The lighting and the mood is amazing, not more, not less, just woaaw, perfect.
Just one little question, how many time to render it ?


It’s a great work indeed. But let me say that this is not for being “like a photograph”. No art work is good for being like a photo, but, if it’s the case, for being “better than” a photo. And this is the case: good POV, DOF very hard to obtain (if any) with a real camera, composition and mood.
Consider that (hyper)realism in art pays when done with traditional media (oil or acrylic on canvas, for sure), and archwiz studios and art directors in the adv biz are (for reasons of their I do not enter into here) generally fond of autodesk sw. So, my 2 cent is: look for other ways than photorealism in CG, if you (as I am) want to use Blender, (in my case, try to) make good stuff and earn a living at the same time.

Absolutely amazing! Only discrepancy i could find was the transparency of the water. Looks a little too ‘muddy’ for me.
You should make a youtube video showing off your scene!

This is really cool model and render. That the kind of scene i really like.

Well that’s some nice stuff. Great lighting and texturing. I wonder if this location is on the 19billion poly island :wink: