Gnome - Short Film

I don’t know what the little guy will do to you when he finds the hidden camera in his living room…<br>Ayways, nice animation, like the stile, like the story, nicely done.<br>Cheers

I liked it too! Nice job. Fun story. And the animation quality was great!

OMG, I can’t believe he actually killed to poor caterpillar! I mean, what does that suppose to teach kids?
Visually and artistically - Good job. It just looks fantastic.

Thanks all for the positive feedback.

I rendered on different CPU’s and GPU’s, so it’s hard to give an estimation on the rendering. Since branched path-tracing was not used, I had to render in separate layers and use render border to speed up the process. Gnome & caterpillar needed around 900 to 1100 samples, while most environment worked fine with 600-800.

Real camera DOF was used. Motion blur was post vector blur.

If children were the target audience: Nature’s Cruel. Survival of the Fittest.
The unexpected element of Gnome is that the main character is like animals - the product of nature, or its evolution.


I found it amusing and visually stunning. Good luck with the competition!

Wonderful ! Absolutely Amazing !
I tried searching for this movie in cinemasite I did not find him


The ending on this was hilarious! Very well done!

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