Glenn's Workshop Sketchbook

Actually, I think you’d benefit from putting your characters into scenes. And not just scenery, but also events.
It relates to actually turning your characters into actual characters rather than models. Like, deciding that your current character is a bookworm, or rather spends their time playing basketball, or maybe works at an automobile factory. (Or things like, traveling, slaying dragons and taking care of their equipments seeing the slant your art takes)
This infusion of soul is the difference between a sketch and art.

Thanks for ur comments! I think I ve got what u mean :wink:
Though I will stop drawing at some sketches when I think I ve got the aim of practice or things I dont want to show up.

Hi everybody, sorry for some time didn’t post up any new art…
Actually I have drawn some sketches when I was thinking my new project “Fantasy Theater”.
Hope you will like them :slight_smile:

Of course you can find more at my facebook and DeviantArt page :


There’s some really amazing art here, I love your drawing style. So when’s your first manga to be released? :eyebrowlift:

Hey GlennC awesome work!!

Thank you!! ^^ I plan to draw a “fantasy rpg” comedy. Though I figure out its not funny when I’ve finish the layout…lol…Anyway I hope that I can draw it finally…

@Mikael K:
Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

What a wonderful collection of artworks!
Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much!

Hope everybody have nice holidays!

Hello guys! I have finished four episodes of my experiment manga “Fantasy Theater - Newbie Zone”, will post up all finished episodes at once, my page - , but the story isn’t finish yet, hope you will enjoy watching and come back later for the other episodes, thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks for watching! :slight_smile:

Good work as always. The comic looks like it is coming along nicely.