Game Engine Resource Kit 2.7x

Mpan3 - I will help anyway I can,

Since wrectified is CC, all assets are game. (lol!)

why not …?
i see randomly some of your TD and i see very good model .(while i yet not know ehat is wrectifield, why not there a blend example in the first post?)

the logic, any sort is not necessary, a good model clean is better than one good model with some dependence(logic or physic)

PS: my “Little City” is becoming another piece of trash in my HD…:confused: i need to restart from scratch with another method …

of course, i talking about just the “default values” :wink:

Monster, the door control looks like it works great! Have you thought about separating the logic from the graphics?

here is a airlock - Mit cc 3.0

Author -Project Wrectified

BPR-model and logic

Password - Wreck

Mouse click button side sliding doors with sound

I will answer this in the above thread as it would be a bit off-topic here.

chect this if can be useful.

there 2 “palaces” :
20 * 20 * 40
40 * 20 * 40

each one is cube with 5 and 8(the big) faces , textured with AO.
each one has its material/texture/mesh (to avoid issue with double names)
no logic

other here in costruction (more colored) , ever following the size standard of 20*x

these model here made 100% by me, free to use…


condomini_ligth.blend (690 KB)

Are the resources you have so far stored somewhere accessible?

I’m all for this. Will help any way I can, though I fear my skills are lacking.

RTS components
I’d like to try this if nobody has claimed it already.
Though for a playable example I would need the assistance of an artist, lest we have a game of cubes/poorly animated gnat-men.

Custom properties on group instances
In the past I’ve used a single python script which copies all properties from the group object to select members.
Something like this attached to desired group members:

import bge

def copyProps(cont):
    own = cont.owner
    groupObject = own.groupObject
    if groupObject is None:
        print ("%s is not in a group" %
    # Copy properties from the group object to this object
    for prop in groupObject.getPropertyNames():
        value = groupObject[prop]
        own[prop] = value

Not 100% ideal, but it’s pretty easy and doesn’t require changes to the script.

Usually you open a thread in the resource forum.

Resource Thread
In the thread you present your (single) resource. This includes

  • a descriptive title,
  • an explanation what it is supposed to do (when to use it)
  • requirements (min. Blender version)
  • installation instruction (how to install it)
  • user guide (how to use it)
  • screen shots
  • demo files
  • source files
  • licence note

As better it is presented as more likely anyone will try it. Basically it is the same as publishing a finished game ;).

Keeping it in a thread allows to get user feedback.
You can indeed keep your resources somewhere else as a forum(post attachment) is not really the best resource management system [no gallery, no category, no multi-user edit, limited attachements].

Be aware you are responsible for your own resources. This means you are the author and you are expected to do updates. This does not mean other will not be able to do updates.

Resource collection thread
As the resource forum is pretty large now, you might want to add another thread presenting all of your resources (or any resources you like). I think this is something this thread is talking about.

BTW: In the resource forum you can find a link to the blender wiki’s BGE resource section. It contains a collection of URLs to resource (mainly to here). Unfortunately it gets not updated by the community. Maybe we should bring it back to live.

Be aware you should keep all of your threads up-to-date. Nobody else can or will do that.

Thanks Monster… my question was directed at mpan3…

Do you propose such a thread? I was wondering, so I could test out some of the things you mentioned that you plan to include…as well as all the other stuff being offered up in the thread… someone has to try all the stuff out, maybe me :wink:

Hi, everbody. I was looking for a filter 2d resource and I reached here from… but, in this right moment, I don’t have time to read all 3 pages or 4 from the other… or to test old files that maybe don’t work on 2.71.

I didn’t find the “compilation” of resources… is it already made? As I said, I’m looking for filter-2d effects.

The resource kit is available from Github

Good idea thanks :wink:

While I’m in favor of this kind of project, I do think the above post shows the problem with such endeavors.

Learning the BGE is pretty hard, in fact learning any game engine is difficult, and having a bunch of pre-made assets is only helpful if you intend to make a fun demo to impress your friends. There’s nothing wrong with that by the way, but if you want to really dive in to the BGE a set of example files and tutorials would be a better resource.

Blender artists already has a resource forum, and there are a lot of good resources on there, but 90% of them are not maintained beyond a single change of version of Blender. If you made a Blender resource pack it’d need to be updated and maintained each time a new version of Blender is released.

So with that in mind I suggest:

Make the resources as learning exercises.
Make sure to include a list of what resources are included so people don’t ask “do you have such-and-such a feature?”
Include documentation about how they were made and how they are to be used.
Don’t go for overly optimized resources, it’s better that they don’t work as fast as they could, but are easy to understand. As soon as you start using python classes and importing esoteric modules then a python n00b is going to be lost.
Rank the resources by difficulty, it might not be immediately obvious to a newcomer how complex a certain resource is and they could quickly get in over their head.
Make the resources separate and self contained as much as possible, you don’t want to make it impossible to use one component without including another.
Don’t just include everything, be discriminating. If a nice resource doesn’t meed the above criteria, it doesn’t need to be included.
7 really good resources are worth more than 70 pages of links to possible outdated and buggy trash, quality is infinitely preferable to quantity.

However, if there are some nice “fluff” resources which can be plugged in straight away to make the BGE look impressive, stick them in an appendix and include them anyway. Everyone needs a bit of motivation and a lovely bloom shader can quickly make even a n00bish game look AMAZING(!!) to friends and family alike. :slight_smile:

I’ve already posted stuff in the resources forum and if someone was going to organize a project on the above lines I’d be happy to include stuff, and even help keep it up to date and well documented (in contrast to my usual resources which are provided “as is” with no promise of updates or instructions for use).

You can take what you want in my project :
You could add a texture/image library and a mirror shader that is missing in the BGE.

This library is a very good idea, If you need, you can take all my stuff on github :
Other suggestions :

  • tool to create quickly a mirror shader (missing in BGE)
  • image/texture database (grass, stone, clouds, …)