Game Engine Resource Kit 2.7x

Is it possible to create a world space ambient occlusion GLSL shader, as in, dynamic projective texturing from a render to texture buffer, to get some good looking soft shadows in real-time?

That is quite unnecessary, there are talented people out there who are capable of drawing something that looks much better than your dream shader. What those people want is some basic robust foundation to work from. Artificial intelligence is also not high on the lists of those people and I’m not only talking about myself here. I made a list of what ought to be your priorities.

  • Third Person camera that follows the rotation and direction of the character you’re controlling, detects collisions from objects with property COLLIDE.
  • Third Person shooter setup similar to games like Mass Effect and Resident Evil 4. An empty that shoots bullets that could be aligned to the content creator’s gun or model. The camera and character follows the rotation of the mouse.
  • Old school pre-rendered game setup, with a character that is tracked by a camera in “X” scene, the background is pre-rendered so the character follows an invisible mesh for collisions.
  • 3D/2D side scroller setup, similar to games like Pandemonium and those 3d sonic games. A camera that tracks the side of the character’s bound that is facing the camera. Also having the character follow a path and not move over the edge of the screen or get stuck when the path changes direction.
  • If you’re interested in AI you could work on a real time strategy kit, somehow I think you’d know better than I how to set this up.
  • Main menu buttons that changes textures when you hover over them with the mouse and when clicked takes you to the first cutscene/scene in the game.
  • Main menu buttons that you can switch between using the arrow keys on your laptop.
  • An option menu to change the resolution of your game while playing.
  • A basic save load minu menu that pops up when you click or touch an object having the “SAVE” property.
  • An overlay scene that fades out and in new scenes properly.

Third person camera -
Over the shoulder camera -
Pre-rendered setup -
2D/3D scroller -
Strategy -

The coders need shaders, the content creators need the things above. I have seen 16 year olds who can draw and model amazing drawings and models. If you’d give them a foundation to work on they’d give you the best shaders and game you could possibly imagine simply by being who they are. Think of it this way, Michelangelo travels into the future and you should make it as easy for him to make a beautiful little game. The power must be in the hands of the content creators, not the other way around. There are many people on here that feel crippled by the bge due to it’s inability to have decent controls or smooth fade ins and outs and give up on their projects.

It’s in the hands of your geeky few to provide the artists with what they need. When a big team of people work on a game they all have their roles to play. But one part of the team wouldn’t be able to play along without the other half of the team. The coders can make decent games, but they often lack the skills to make the game look pretty or aesthetically pleasing. What we have in the game industry right now is sort of like movie making reversed, the director is working for the guy that is handling the lights and trucking around props.

1-Physics -> no collision vs static

  • collisions from objects with property COLLIDE

2-I just did this to my game, check wrectifieds camera

  • Third Person shooter setup similar to games like Mass Effect and Resident Evil 4. An empty that shoots bullets that could be aligned to the content creator’s gun or model. The camera and character follows the rotation of the mouse.

3-already there

  • 3D/2D side scroller setup, similar to games like Pandemonium and those 3d sonic games. A camera that tracks the side of the character’s bound that is facing the camera. Also having the character follow a path and not move over the edge of the screen or get stuck when the path changes direction.

1-Physics -> no collision vs static

Have they implemented so cameras that are parented to something can detect collisions automatically, if the character for example backs towards a wall, will the camera zoom onto him and not go through the wall if you make the camera static. If they’ve implemented such a thing that’s great.

2-I just did this to my game, check wrectifieds camera

That’s great clean it up and send it to mr resource kit.

3-already there

No that isn’t there that I’m sure of, if there is somewhere I don’t know where then maybe that thing there could be put in the resource kit as well.

have a (NO collision) object use


import bge

def main():

    cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
    own = cont.owner



Parent your camera to the item

See that’s an example of something a talented artist don’t want to have to mess around with. Someone should make a sticky thread with a list of development kits to work from. A clean compressed folder for each with ordered folders for the artist to put his stuff in and have the menus, saves, controls and camera already dealt with. Clean and user friendly with easy to read instructions on how to use them. We’d see a lot of similar games but they’d look good and not be shining cubes with fancy shaders and real time shadows.

Is it only I who when thinking of blender games think of cubes with fancy shader scripts and real time shadows while a techno tune is playing in the background. One word CUBE, and that is because the scripting guys often times aren’t capable of creating anything better. Of course there are exceptions and you reading this might very well be one of those exceptions. But most of the “games” look terrible and that is because talented artists aren’t willing to roll around among the logic bricks and python scripts.

my ideas, add some global object

scene options:



the skybox must be hidden , withot add any object/matrial/texture
the same for mouselook, any code must coming out
mouselook can behave exactly as the mouselook in blender internal

other things globals:
sound (2d) (we say can be in some modulke as bge.logic.sound ?

message system:
im working on that the current system is simple but is heavy . i need to change structure from list to dictionary.

My ideal workflow is the same:

  1. link in an object to scene
  2. configure some parameters to add variation or functionality to object
  3. Run game

this souns as a simply … dream :wink:

Currently there are some limitations on how the Blender library system is setup, such that I can’t edit game properties on a linked object. This severely limits the usefulness of a library. I will need to work out a solution to that.

about that i not like that all members here visibles, it make the main blend actually a giant mess.

in my opinion the members should still not visible, in blender but readable in game “as group” also when the group is yet inactive!

so why not just make a new verison of the logic editor actually do something about it instead of complaining
any way where the download

That is not the topic of this thread. The topic is to collect ready-to-use resources.

This should mainly concentrate on ways how to do that right now. It may include ideas to improve the current workflow or what obstacles where discovered. This way we all will be able to create and use resources without everybody stumbling over the same stones ;).

Collecting ideas for new resources has the same importance than collecting existing resources. I think this is the spirit of this thread.

a “level” can be a good resource?

i mean one little city (500mt*500mt) with:
physic : one single mesh (with about 100 faces) , the “ground”
navmesh : parented to the ground that cover all roads of the city
waypoints: empty parented to the mesh

with texture i’m not very good, but something of decent can do.(i learned to use AO :D)
this will be another mesh no_collision parented to the ground… separated (changeable)

optionally :
a class stored in bge.logic.globalDict with all references.

that return the navmesh object and the waypoints.

Yes a map can be a good resource. To be used as a resource kit I would say it is a bit too specific. It is pretty limited on using it in any other games. At such level people prefer to create own levels.

Better resources would be:

  • several parts of a level that can be stick together (e.g. street components, rooms, doors, traffic light, buildings etc.)
  • a level editor to help sticking this parts together.
  • customizable parts (e.g. a door mechanic component + a custom mesh = working custom door)

Good ideas to add would be.

1.level editor
2.waypoints that can be added and the enemies will follow them randomly or nonramdomly.
3.The ability to spawn,enemies,vehicles,houses and guns randomly on a level by adjusting values.
4.Vehicles that characters can get in and drive and get out of.That are composed of parts that can be added and deleted.
When they are selected from a menue they automatically snap to a specific position on the vehicle and people can add their parts to the menu easily.
5.Dynamic loading of terrain.
6.ragdoll system
7.breakable objects.
8.night and day cycles.
9.water conditions
11.tree presets
12.Terrain presets

1.level editor

i agree but we need to found what need really, and precisely.
definition of level: …

2.waypoints that can be added and the enemies will follow them randomly or nonramdomly.

enemy of what? enemy of “player” enemy of other NPCs?
sound as a setup unnecessary

3.The ability to spawn,enemies,vehicles,houses and guns randomly on a level by adjusting values.

maybe after that there a level robust this can be added

4.Vehicles that characters can get in and drive and get out of.That are composed of parts that can be added and deleted.
When they are selected from a menue they automatically snap to a specific position on the vehicle and people can add their parts to the menu easily.

no dubt, this is completely “out range”
to make it “easy” must be also not reusable, otherwise “reusable and complex”

5.Dynamic loading of terrain.

6.ragdoll system

7.breakable objects.

8.night and day cycles.

this can be another setup to do in the scene options:
light obj -> light obj(optional)
cicle_speed : 24h
latidute: 0.0
longitude: 0.0

year : 2014
month: genary
day: 1
hour : 0
minute: 0

9.water conditions

filter 2D

11.tree presets

12.Terrain presets

“Little City” want be a sort of simbolic level modular, with minimal stuff necessary
es you want add waypoint: duplicate a existing waypoint .

etc etc… no really … , this is the only thing modular :smiley:

the part complex is change “physic or navmesh” , since navmesh must replace perfectly the physic …

2.waypoints that can be added and the enemies will follow them randomly or nonrandomly.
Marcoit enemy of the player and his allie npc.
4.Vehicles that characters can get in and drive and get out of.That are composed of parts that can be added and deleted.
When they are selected from a menue they automatically snap to a specific position on the vehicle and people can add their parts to the menu easily.
This is not a bad idea because the vehicle menue would have submenues for each part of each vehicle.You select which vehicle you want to build from the vehicle menue.Then a vehicle cockpit is placed in the scene.Then you pick a part from the submenue.And it will automatically be parented to the vehicle in the right spot.Then you repeat the process over and over again to complete the vehicle.What is so complicated about that.

I think we need grass presets.Unity has that why can’t we.

I’ve been reading all the suggestions and collecting ideas. Some are great (Ready to use sky, water, cameras, game templates…), some are more specific, and will probably come a bit later (NPCs, AI, day/night cycle, drivable cars).

I plan to start this weekend by doing some basic testing of how to implement an easy to use asset system. As I mentioned, the workflow should be:

  1. ‘Oh it looks like I need a first person view camera to walk around my scene’
  2. Load in FPS camera asset from library
  3. Change parameters to fit game (walk speed, mouse sensitivity, etc)
  4. Run game.

The tricky part is making sure step 3 is as painless as possible, I definitely don’t want people diving into python code or even logic brick. It should just be a panel with sliders. But at the same time, I want to make sure the parameters are compatible with the rest of the game, so you can actually extend it with Python or logic brick if needed.

I have a half life 2 style grab system, if someone make a fps script for the library maybe this system can be integrated with it.

-Use constraints for grab the object
-Grab object.
-Drop grabbed object (without Throw )
-Throw grabbed object.
-The object is dropped if is too far of the player.

grab system.blend (132 KB)
All the information are in the file.

Better resources would be:

  • several parts of a level that can be stick together (e.g. street components, rooms, doors, traffic light, buildings etc.)

you re totally right
this make the difference between a mountain of blend/transh (my HD is full) and resource, the context.
i guess worth take a bit of time to make all the objects, or a group more complete possible :wink:

that is the current state of the city:


i guess, keeping in count that Bolt run at a bit more than 10m/s …
the velociity should be :
walk : 2.0 m/s
run : 6.0 m/s (maybe with a fast “double W”)

the sensitivity of mouse i never seen problem , seem 0.002 or something work well…:wink:

Except most games don’t have the character walking at a realistic speed to begin with… :slight_smile: