First Person Template: Obstacles, Crouching, Swimming, Inclines...

Are you using 2.5? I just get a blank black screen when launching the game.

this version is working fine in the 2.60.7 from svn repository…

this is wokring fine with the 2.60.7 version from svn repository… at least at ubuntu i’m using this builds:

Hi all,

I’m trying to get my head around scripting by exploring the supplied script in the 2.54 version of this amazing template. How would I adjust the walking speed of my character? Would someone mind opening up the script and tell me which line number, and which variable to adjust to slow the walking speed down?

Any help would be most appreciated.


You can find the walking speed value in the line 8 (bge.logic.mSpeed2 = 4).

HG1 Thanks! I had forgotten about posting this as I needed to work on other parts of my scene. Thanks for the reply.

blend download these files, which you enclose or uploaded for free download, no charge, no virus ¿?

@ jonnygames: Do you seriously think that People on this Forum upload their Files knowing that they have a Virus? And if they would do so (which never occurs as People are not Bastards enough on this Forum to do such Things on Purpose), why would they tell you? ~Every~ File that is uploaded onto this Forum is free, ~always~.

I don’t know why you even consider the Things which you ask, but stop it: When a File on this Forum has a Virus, then the Owner does not know it. If it has a Virus, then use your AntiVir Tool on the File and scan it and watch whether it has one. But you know what? I never downloaded a File from this Forum finding out it had a Virus. So I may consider the Probability very low.

And how could anyone want Money from you if they offer a File that you can download eitherway? There is no Word about Money or Payment so there is no Reason to expect a Price. All Files on this Forum are for free.

Ô, by the Way: Each Time you ask someone whether they offer a File knowing it would have a Virus, your Question can be considered an INSULT. So you have to understand if my Tone seems/is a Bit rough.

sorrry,sorry,if I’m honest, is that I am very fearful, and I’m from Argentina over, and did not understand much English sometimes I worry, but now you said it is free, ready under me, thanks

Blender 2.63 just hangs when loading the last template. Any chance for an update?

Here you are. I have also fixed the code for Blender 2.6x.
If you use Blender 2.63 then don’t forget that you need the version r46085 or later because of the rotation bug.


FP_Template26x.blend (153 KB)

Thank you for keeping alive this excellent template.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Could someone please tell me how to keep my player from sliding down steep terrain? Unless my terrain is almost perfectly flat, my player slides like the terrain is covered with ice. Thank you!

Check if the mass (65.00) and friction (0.200) setting of the Player and the friction (3.000) setting for the ground is correct.

When I get up of the water, I am in crouched position… :confused:

I’m an idiot… I should have played around with the settings before posting. I found the solution (friction setting of the terrain material) before you posted, but I really appreciate the reply.

New year, new reward!
Thank you for your work on this great template!

That’s a great fps-template!!
Only pulling up on objects (key “e”) leaves me in an immovable state after execution.