Feedback needed by 7/28/14!!!! Help me! Please!

looking much better.

though i agree with Words that the grunge map you applied to the walls is a bit strong. tone down the dark spots a bit, what you want is natural variation in the surface tones, not rotten down crack house! haha. take your time at this stage. the textures make or break the whole project.

dont forget roof, it could use some streaks in the low spots to indicate water draining. but not too strong. if this is for a real estate company they are going to want it “clean, but believable”

A lot of help! I love all of your suggestions! They’re right on! Um, I’d like to do everything from scratch myself, so I can take on full credit…

Yeah, I toned down the ‘grunge’ but my lighting is too strong… I’ll turn down my light next, and re-render :wink:

Okay, this is update #10… The lighting is WAY to bright, and the grass is a little too tall… but I think I’m making good progress :smiley: The next update will look better, but this should do for now :wink: Thanks! :smiley:

Here’s the light turned down a bit :wink: