Exporter addon for Maxwell Render

Hi Aaron,
Right now i’m working on “motion blur” and “render layers”. After releasing blender 2.63 i will adapt addon for new BMesh API. These are the main plans at present.
Also i have ideas to try create UI for materials and read textures from MXM to preview them in viewport.

Export of linked objects or group not work :frowning: i’ll fix it in next release, thanks for reporting.

Thank lynchon :slight_smile:
As Aaron mentioned, you can render straight to M~R, if something doesn’t work look in the console, more often because of that that isn’t present UV-map

I’ve no immediate plans to implement this features but perhaps when main functionalities will be implemented I’ll see whether it is possible to do it.

On project page there is link for donation :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update…

Thanks Nildar! Good Job!

Great addon Nildar! Although, when I add hair to the default cube and export to maxwell render, I get this error:

[24/April/2012 20:04:37] Checking Data
[24/April/2012 20:04:37] Loading Bitmaps Preprocessing Data
[24/April/2012 20:04:37] Loading Extension Geometry…
[24/April/2012 20:04:38] [Extension MaxwellHair] Initializing Extension Object
[24/April/2012 20:04:38] [Extension MaxwellHair] Getting hair data. WARNING: - [Extension MaxwellHair] Point counts and point array size mismatch, aborting… WARNING: - Error loading Extension Geometry. The render process cannot continue. ERROR: - Data preprocess failed. Render cannot continue
[24/April/2012 20:04:38] Ending render process… ERROR: - Render Failed

Is hair export working for anyone else?

I dont usually use hair so i dont know what the problem could be, but i managed to render it just to try, so yes, exporting hair works for me.

Hair is working quiet well. I have a huge scene rendering with hundreds of thousands of strand particles. I will post the image when it is complete. I cannot believe how fast the geometry exports from Blender to Maxwell. I have a huge scene. It exports everything in just over a minute. I have been using form-z as my main modeling app for years. Mainly so I can use Maxwell Render. But the export times from form-z to Maxwell are HIDEOUS!!! This has forever changed the way I work. Blender and the Blender community are just awesome. You really can not say enough about how great this all is.


Do you think it will possible in the future to be able to render smoke and such with Maxwell? Is that something we have to wait for from Next limit to develope? Kind of like how they made it possible to render hair and fur? I am certain Maxwell does not render voxel data?


Well maybe its easier if you try working with realflow and importing it into mstudio… but yeah doing it directly from blender would be much easier and cheaper.

What does the “Maxwell Render Presets” tab allow for?


Hello everyone!
Maxwell not render voxel data because it’s not physically correct,
For render particles (in maya, for example) maxwell convert particle points
In “spheres” with lambertian material. With this way maxwell can work with particles.

Sorry for my english!

I’ve been trying to get the bmaxwell addon to work with 2.63. So far no results when pressing render in any scenes. Is the bmesh system not supported ? Shouldn’t maxwell studio pop-up right after I hit render ?


When I read M~R documentation and saw last pictures on this page http://support.nextlimit.com/display/maxwelldocs/Maxwell+Particles. I thought that if i can get some smoke data from Blender, I could implement it export. In the future I will check whether there is such possibility.

You can save render settings as presets. Simply press “+” and specify name for the new preset, after you can select this preset from this combobox.

Currently I’m working on Material UI, earlier I wanted to make it very simple, but after some time I preferred to make it fully featured.

Some screenshots :slight_smile:


Hello reC

This version (0.40) works in 2.62 because every release need to be compiled.

BMaxwell it’s not a script, its plugin,

It’s ok Nildar?

Hello Toni

Yes, you right :slight_smile:

uoooOOOOh! Amazing! Incredible, fantastic!
Thanks Nildar is awesome!

Well ok but this doesn’t answer my problem …
Is it ok for me to expect this to work with 2.63 or not ? Arch viz pretty much sucks without ngons …

Hi reC,
2.63 will supported in next release 0.5.0. But i can’t say when is exact. Just be patient :slight_smile:

Thank you for the quick reply!
I was afraid you’d say that . Oh well I guess I’ll hold on just a while longer then :stuck_out_tongue:
I was curious why this isn’t an official project of maxwell to blender integration , because both maxwell and blender are very popular and great. Though the integration part is pretty much a no necessity when you got maxwell studio.

Nildar, this is extremely awesome stuff!

Personally, I’d rather use Blender than maxwell studio. It has a much more efficient workflow. In fact, I’d rather use Blender than almost any other 3d app for scene set up. I think Maxwell Render should give Nildar a free license and make it official! :slight_smile: Does anyone know how you go about getting a 3d plugin to be “official” with maxwell render? Perhaps if we all e-mailed them politely …:smiley:

Hello wiggly boots,
It think that make bMaxwell official it’s difficult because,
Next limit develop and mantain all official plugins.

But i’m shure that next limit offers all the support at Nildar or other
