Ember Titan

nice work man:p

Super boulot Pieriko

Nice. How did you do the smoke?

I’ve emited it from the titan using an emission map based on the lava map and then rendered it with cycles.
honestly, I’m really not satisfied about it, took 10h30 to render on a Amd 8 cores at 4.4ghz and it was barely seenable.

so I plan to render next shots with blender internal.
the simulation was baking pretty smouthly, but the render…

I might be able to post a short post production break diwn vidéo if you want.

Merci beaucoup :slight_smile:

Okay . . . that is some seriously SWEEEEEET work!! Great job! 5-stars from me!

:ba: Holy SH!T, nice job, that thing is SCARY in a good way:D Wish i could afford that addon you were talking about:(

This is impressive. Great work!

WOW, such a beautifull work…

But I wonder, what was your settings for the smoke here?

On this one smoke was made in photoshop.
while in the latest, all Assets were made in blender

:frowning: I have wondered a while how to create that kind of smoke…

But again: really great work!

Awesome work! Very inspiring =)

Btw, you can use F2 addon with autograb feature enabled in this way. It was designed to speed up retopo of irregular surfaces.

I did use it all the way :slight_smile:

Great work.

agreed , great peice

3 words:
Looks really inpresive, i love the coulour is very soft and some kind of cartoony look but not escesive. GREAT JOB!

Hi People,

You’ll never believe this.
Thanks to this one, my work will be featured in issue #83 of 3Dartist!

how did you do the embers only in the cracks? sorry if thats a newb question but im not good with materials yet

I’ ve generated a map based on the creases of the titan baking the pointiness geometry node and a colour ramp.
I’ve then used this map to create an emission factor and colour map using this baked texture to mix the stone shader and the stine node group.

for the emission colour I’ve used this same map, the darker it was the redish was the emission, the brighter the yellowish.
I’ll make a short making of video if needed.

would love to see that video