Direction arrow

Hi, I’m trying to make a direction arrow, wich aims for a specific place…
in fact, the arrow has to always fallow the character, but it mustn’t rotate with him 'cause it has to stay aiming for that place.
any suggestions please ?

Investigate Vertex Parenting.
Or the Track To actuator.

Can you explain more please ?
Thanks …

ACube.blend (492 KB) Here is a .Blend I don’t know if this is what your looking for, but it uses the actuator edit object (Track to object). Press W to move forward

Yes it is !! Thanks so much @fredstash

you may want to consider a object that routes using a navmesh, if it’s within X distance of the player, and routes back if it gets to far and, make it invisible and on a separate collision layer from the player,

track to that,

this will guide the player around terrain,

micro example


NavMeshGuider.blend (510 KB)

and finally the whole shabang

wad-move player,


NavMeshGuiderFinal.blend (529 KB)

and one final tinker :smiley:


PathHighLight.blend (539 KB)