Cycles Automatic Material Textures Node

Nice Script! It works great, Thanks a lot!

Hopefully image sequences will be supported soon by cycles…

Works fine when used with Import Images As Planes AddOn.

I can’t wait for alpha support to be added. Is that a Cycles limitation?

I have to check

Now support also Mask alpha channel and all BL procedural map !!!

there 'yet to improve, but already beginning to be used !

Thank you, maybe poke ideasman42 (Campbell Barton) in #blender for integrate in th addon test area.

Cheers, mib.

thank you for this! I’ve been wishing this since cycles came out, unfortunately I can’t make it to work, it says it can’f find the path to the textures.

Will continue to test it, thanks

silvio.falcinel, I would like to intergrate this into the existing materials utils addon in trunk.
thanks for the great addon.
can you drop into irc freenode #blenderpython
or I’m happy to merge it in & collect/add updates as you release them :slight_smile:
thanks again :slight_smile:

I found out that I was getting errors because I had some alpha textures but didn’t extract them first. Would be cool to add a warning to avoid those errors.
Other than that, it’s awesome that it converts your images in jpgs with the method cycles needs for reading alphas. Hopefully in the future it will be able to read pngs directly.


Awesome, thank you.

sweet! Thank You!! Thanks for this.

Translucent with image.

I very much agree with what you said!!!

i got the latest build
and i loaded the script in the addons folder

but i cannot find the script there when i used the Ctrl-alt U ?

where can i find this system in the user preference ?

and can this work on SVN with Bmesh ?


You don’t have to place the script yourself in the folders, to make sure it’s correctly placed for you, just go to user preferences, add-ons tab, and click “install add-on”, then select the .py file. Blender will place it for you and should work fine.
I guess Bmesh don’t affect materials.

ok got it now

it’s not in the system item
you need to click on all scripts then at the end of the list there is the script name!

on what specific part of the API doc do we find these commands?

is there specific pages for cycles
giving all the node commands and parameters ?


very useful, thank you you be more specific is waht it can do ?

this is cool a cool project…
(i havent tried it yet… but, if it can convert most of the materials in the “Shader tools” library)
then it would be very handy indeed. BTW…
Using the “shader tools” addon would be a very good way to test this IMHO…

hi, I’m still interested in using thisin blender,
is it updated?
I think maybe some texture (image) is not working.
maybe missing image files or packed, fail. not sure.
Thanks again.
this tool is awesome.

upgrade, this is ok for blender 2.62 and 2.63
Sorry for any inconvenience before I uploaded a wrong version