Cosmos Laundromat

From what i remember reading, the 10mn “cosmos laundromat” is not supposed to be the full movie, as due to the crowdfunding failure, instead of being feature length (so 40mn+) right at release would be somehow episodic and this 10mn movie is only the opening part.

Is it still the plan for the gooseberry project or was the whole thing just scrapped reduced to that 10mn short ?

But it apparently didn’t accomplish what it was supposed to: bring audiences in. In the US, at least, it is a flop at the box office so far, and much commentary about it faults the trailer for not giving people a picture of what it was about that made them want to go see it.

Sure, it’s not banking as much as Avengers 2 & other box-office smashes, but it has far from failed to bring audiences in. :wink:

Mmm I’d have spent another week to include 4-5 seconds more in the trailer.
Is the island the only environment which will get in?

I’d like to know which difficulties the team is facing the most, because seems it is developing quite slowly in terms of amount of months spent vs content been produced, I could be wrong. The stuff is detailed and well polished, but speaking about bigger picture, there’s a grassy island, a faked ocean, two main characters and a smoke sim. Isn’t a bit too little compared to other movies, how about funds, much less, much more than other shorts?

To me it seems, judging from the weekly’s, the production is pretty laid back and easy going, which is not necessary a bad thing. Hey I wish my productions were like that and not producing a 5 min Sci-Fi short with keyed live action and 3D backgrounds/full 3d shots in a week like my clients request/need.

Not really eager to leave comments after that kind of remark. Don´t relly see what warranted it in the first place, having read the past comments. Oh, well, I´m always happy these movies advance Blender, so let´s just leave it at that…

Seems about time for the forum’s traditional negative speculation about the BF’s latest open movie. If people didn’t have overly high expectations, they’d be drooling all over that teaser.

Wise advice. “Moving on” is the only sensible course of action for everybody who is dissatisfied with Blender current situation.

Signed: somebody who is waiting for an Iray render to bake… imagine… being able to get the servicies of a shadow catcher… without jumping thru hoops but simply by selecting the option “Draw Ground”… mind boggling, isn’ t? :evilgrin:

Um, after having followed the first Blender institute movies, everytime being optimistic, and every time being disappointed in some way or another, trust me, my expectations have been very low. So by your logic, I should be blown away. so why aren´t I? Am I a special case?

I think not. While it’s still a high quality visuals, there is no hook in the trailer. So I doubt too many people would be drooling.

It’s not just here unfortunately. I saw it posted on CGTalk, Reddit, Polycount, and a few other places, and most people didn’t seem to care. That isn’t to say the comments were negative, but that most had few replies at all. That’s concerning, given this thing is going into Round 3 of trying to secure funding, and excitement for it still seems to be room temperature at best.

Anyway, hopefully the end results wind up being more successful.

If we consider that it is the trailer from something that is supposed to become a movie, but they are only creating the first minutes of it and only a few scenes of that introduction were ready to be used within the trailer, it is not too bad. I liked the Gooseberry teaser a lot. Unfortunately, the trailer is not close to that. It appears unconventional, but I assume it wasn’t easy to even achieve that, considering the circumstances. Of course, it is questionable whether such a trailer should be done at all, if it can’t actually reach people.
In my opinion it is important in a team that is not used to work with each other to reach for this kind of milestones. It means they have to finalize something and bring it to an end, which will most likely help them to finish the project due to the gathered experience. Just understanding who is responsible to do what and how are things coming together at the end may be extremely valuable.

Look again, there’s a couple of them that do indeed allude to not being completely enthused by the teaser.

The difference is that they express their dis-satisfaction in a more constructive tone as opposed to simply saying “it sucks”. In other words, not giving as much as a single word on how it could’ve been made better.

It’s not just here unfortunately. I saw it posted on CGTalk, Reddit, Polycount, and a few other places, and most people didn’t seem to care. That isn’t to say the comments were negative, but that most had few replies at all. That’s concerning, given this thing is going into Round 3 of trying to secure funding, and excitement for it still seems to be room temperature at best.

This could also have been applicable for Blender development news in general for the past couple of years. In fact, CGTalk at least rarely has active threads on product releases and movie releases these days other than the occasional one about a full length film trailer (they’re usually in the app. specific forums as their general discussion areas become more and more about CG politics instead). For instance, try finding the big Modo 901 release thread there, there isn’t one, it’s even rarer to find an active thread on a CG short which is exactly the type of thing that Cosmos Laundromat is.

Trailer is ok for a 10 minute movie. I’m intrested in something else. Why chose Pixar look if you’re not making a movie for kids.

As far as I know, the BF hasn’t produced a single movie that would classify as an M-rated product (I believe the file with the profane title is only found in the Blender cloud). All I can say is that if you don’t make the cloud have maximum appeal, then you’re not going to see its maximum potential in terms of open movie funding.

Though if there is going to be objectionable content in the movie, then please have a warning at the beginning of what they are, one very annoying aspect of internet video is when it suddenly gets M-rated 10 minutes in without any idea beforehand.

Fun fact - E and T rated movies (hopefully rating system in movies is the same as games) bring the most money (box office or funding). M-rated bring a way less.

Isn’t this a product of the Blender Institute being in Europe (as it seems the Eurozone continues to work toward where people can make more money while working less)?

Here are some teasers that build up a decent “I want to see what it’s about” feeling (for me at least):




Super 8:

Just something that came to mind (I know, somehow they are all sci-fi, but pretty dark I think :slight_smile: )

So if there isn’t enough material ready to cut a teaser, a good teaser, why even release a video labeled as such ? :no:

With all due respect, my expectations on this one are pretty low. I was impressed by the lighting, by the fur/wool, and by the rendering… all of which appeal to me as an artist interested in Blender development. However, as a hook for a story, it is lacking. I’m not the only one saying it and, despite freen’s impression to the contrary, BA isn’t the only place saying it either.

Compare it to Sintel’s trailer. Approximately same length (3 seconds difference), less impressive rendering, and yet a far more engaging hook for the regular audience. Well received here too if I recall. :wink:

lighting does not look realistic and hair looks synthetic

Some people said it before with previous open movies and I’ll say it again here. The BF should collaborate with other studios instead of trying to make everything in one place. It just doesn’t work… Provide the software, the development and the polishing/creation of features required for the production while someone else handles the production per se (story, visuals, characters, animation, etc).

I really hope to be proven wrong (because personally I like what I’ve seen so far), but being realistic it doesn’t look like the type of content that will have mass appeal. And that’s what you need to get more funding… :confused:

Why is the camera jittery in the first half of the teaser in so such simple scene? I could understand why when it’s in a commotion like in the second half. Of course, I’ll soon see why when I see it’s entirety. :slight_smile:

The rendering looks good, though.