Conan the Barbarian Statue | Kfir Merlaub Art

Awesome!!! :eek:

Pieriko, thanks for the advice man! I am thinking about going this route too at a given point… Now I focus on my portfolio. The reason I brought it up are because I a getting many questions about the availability of this statue as a full high end collectible. Also Conan and Schwarzenegger’s likeness require serious licensing which as far as I know is only a matter special production companies can offer. I would love to create a world of original figures like the DeathTaker. Thanks a lot for the encouragement and advice its a great help!

Awesome job Kfir

I am looking forward to see the Violator finished

And please, why you don’t upload a timelapse video ? (i mean, the complete workflow)

Really amazed this was done all in Blender, didn`t realize this was even possible. Thanks for posting it. :slight_smile:

My favourite actor in his favourite pose :wink:

Although you couldn’t sell work based on Conan without a license, you can certainly reference the character in a portfolio piece, as you have masterfully done here.

I like the character’s “impossibly muscle-bound torso,” because that’s exactly what Conan has. And, I like the fact that, when you look closely at this character’s face, “he’s a cartoon.” Just as he should be.

If you can produce work like this, you will go far. Very far.

Nice work :slight_smile: compliments!! +100

Thanks for the feedback! I try hard to top that in my next works and continue to seek to attract top clients for getting into producing such works.

I’m not an expert in anatomy nor anything; but this is nagging me and I have to ask; are those wrinkles towards his armpits realistic? And are the muscles on his forearm right?

Yeah these are inspired by reality. I did stylize it a bit just to add more of a dramatic effect. :slight_smile:
Thank you!

I guess I’m just not all that used to seeing bodybuilder bodies then… alright.

Either way, your work is very impressive.

Awesome! This is incredible. superb detail. This is one of my favorites.

Awesome and Fantastic! It looks just like young Arnold.

amazing! why don’t make a print version in 3d,
as action figures.

Great sculpt, looks just right.

I watched the movie recently and found it massively disappointing. I was given it in a box-set with Legend and Ladyhawk, and it was definitely the weak link ( I thoroughly recommend the other two though).

Your skills are amazing. The future is yours :slight_smile:

I really love how your sculpts look and how you present them Bravo.