
Nice work. The coloring has the right coffee feel. Looks like a commercial. :slight_smile:

Definitely could see it as a commercial poster for some coffe shop. Makes you want to drink a coffe :slight_smile:

+1 from me. I actually thought this a commissioned piece from an agency at first before I read through the posts. Got some talent there making something simple look eye catching.

delicious and a nice work

nice!.. anyway, i dont like coffee, lol

I knew it couldn’t be the internal renderer.

Am using it as wallpaper in my mobile :cool:

Coffee and its beans. It’s wonderful. Just by looking at the picture, I could almost smell the sweet scent of the coffee. Within this week, I’ve never had a cup of coffee with my long distance relationship boyfriend ( and I miss it.

Ahhh…coffee. You’re feeding my addiction. Excellent piece of work, though.

Nice job! Am enjoying my morning coffee right now …

Just a few objects, some replication, but the results, stunning.

very nice!

looks tasty. nice job.

coffee to go :wink:

This is a great example of what can be accomplished with Blender. What makes this sophisticated is the photo-realistic quality of the image. I mean I am here on this forum, looking at this image and finding it hard to believe this isn’t just a picture of a real cup of coffee. What real sets it off is the detail.

Well done… Nice DOF!

Im think your on the wrong site. This forum is for renderings, not camera shot photos.

:p. Good job.

well, that looks good enough to drink. Nice work :slight_smile:

What I find astonishing about these pictures is how in the second one the beans printed on the cup and the beans on the table next to the cup are distinguishable. The beans on the desk have a quality about them that makes them seem real, even against their cardboard printed images on the cup, and yet they themselves are images.


This is very nice, great use of materials makes the beans look more realistic!