Christmas Scene WIP

Hehe! Working on it :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey joey

I have not had time to work on the blender guru competition because I have been trying to finish up some earlier projects of mine that needed finishing(like the paper airplane) but here are some thoughts of mine. The fire is way to bright. It is sort of hard to look at everything else in the scene because the fire is to big. Also in my opinion there should be plate of cookies and milk on the coffee table just to make it feel a little bit more like christmas. Hope this helps

You may want to turn the flattery dial down. Those pictures seem so out of place.

I really like the milk and cookies!!! I did doughnuts, but I’ll replace them :smiley:

Nope… Only like 2-3 ppl don’t like the pics out of about a dozen or more… They stay… Thx anyhow :wink:

Christmas is back :stuck_out_tongue:

You can post a massive load of shit in this forum and get rated sky high as long as it’s made with Blender.

Hey, stop it… If the pics sink this project, they sink it… I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either… And that’s not true… I’ve had a lot of people say I suck, because of bad blender projects…

Thats the mindset of someone who will succeed!

I really like the homey, cozy cottage feel of this scene. The tree in the right hand corner should need some kind of stand, not many can stand on their own :wink: And the goat/animal trophy should have some kind of wood backing/plaque, but other then that, solid render!


Turn that lamp on!

LOL! A little late! XD Um, there is a stand under the tree… I wanthed the backing for the goat, not enough time though, and everyone wanted the lamp OFF! XD LOL! Here is the last update though :slight_smile:

Better late then never huh :wink: Ahh, now I see that stand, wasn’t clear to me what that was… Understood, time

That’s only half true. It may be true that people will be nicer when giving crituqe (saying something looks nice or ok when in truth it looks awful), but you aren’t going to get noob work on top row. Also, (imo) we don’t care if it’s made with Blender or not, it’s the extreme noobs who care.

You should either turn on the lamp or get rid of it. It looks strange having it there while it’s not on. Basically listen to everything cpfeiffer said. I agree with all of it.

Actually, I’m changing my strategies… I’m gonna premake assets, and textures, and materials, so that I can start to develop a scene, and then furnish it in minutes :smiley: