Challenge #616 (10/4/15) Entries CLOSED

the troll in the back looks like bez dancing from the happy Mondays, showing my age now :slight_smile: I like the composition it’s fun.

deleting duplicate post

Hey here is my submission (if there is duplicate then sorry… new forum user and my first post needs to be authorized, and needed to add a description as per competition rules, which I read after submitting the first image… typical me!)

Anyway this is still WIP and I will try and complete it by the cut off time tonight.

Still to do is eyes, body hair, texturing and materials and final renders / comp.

This is an “open” submission as I used as combination of Blender, Zbrush and Keyshot (for wip render).

In terms of my process I switch between Blender and Zbrush often to get the basic shape down, the reason for this is a obvious one and its primarily to use the best tool for the task (i.e sculpting vs. vertex / face / edge manipulation).

Once I am happy with the shape I use Blender to UV (LOVE Blenders UV system, soooooo much easier than Maya) and then back into Zbrush for painting.

I will be doing the final render in cycles (I use Keyshot as an WIP renderer to help with look development but I find a render like cycles gives me more control of the final output, not to mention the node based composting tools).

Anyway hope you like the WIP and if you have any questions let me know.


Unfinished Troll

Every intention but sadly, work commitments have got in the way

Shorter Tell

Just now getting back to mine…was very busy yesterday, and today I am just wiped out…if I don’t get it in, don’t wait up! There are so many great entries this week, this turned out to be a great theme.
(edit) @daveO great early post!
(edit) how is it that I have overlooked the auto-smooth function all this time? :spin:

@ Jeng Love the hair man

Done with dyntopo sculpting, and I also tryed to use some subsurf scattering on the skin.
Cyckles render 200 samples.

Here´s my Entry:

“Trolling” downhill.

Though I got more of a goblin than a troll…

Did not make it as far as the teeth and hair, but I thought I better get it in before time runs out!

Drattt, pc crashed just as I finished texturing… will have to make do with earlier WIP for my submission…

will post the finished troll later on this week.


daveO, that is rough, but I think your entry stands an excellent chance as is.

(Happy) Pure, Cycles 120ish I only had time to sculpt, add materials and screen render!

dross you missed the submission deadline, but you should post it in the voting thread.