
Heya, I’ve been watching this thread for a while and she’s looking great!
As a female (I tend to recognise things with female models more), I can say that from the front view she’s got a nice shape (hips wider than chest), but from the side view her chest area is much wider than her hip/buttock area and makes her feel too top-heavy.
If you’re not going for a sexy look you could probably reduce the size of her breasts a bit and increase the size of her hips/bum in the side view. It would help give her a feminine, casual look that I think would go well with her cute face :slight_smile:

I’m a sucker for polygonal art pieces and you sure did a wonderful job on this, Derek! And you managed to preserve those lovely eyes. I so love this!

  • Reyn

Looking at it thoroughly, I think the creases beneath her eyes needs to be soften a bit (not as prominent as the top).

Well, i 'm not brutal i’m realist . Ok don’t worry about the sexy it’s only my idea to see more sexy body but at the same time like you said timid and reserved .


little update:) Some adjustments to body including butt and breasts and abdomen area. Tomorrow I will take a shot at the clothes and shoes:)

She has clothes! haha I finally got some of the mesh cleaned up and some clothes on her:) I went with a half sleeve and long glove and tall white leather boots. I threw a quick bump on the dress and gloves and boots…all procedural. Nothing has been UV unwrapped. What do you guys think?

The clothes look great so far. But, I think for the idea I’ve got for my film I’ll need the clothes to look something like this…

Long dress (She’s gonna be a waitress)
Black heels as you see in the picture.
Rolled up sleeves.
And the collar.
The apron is just the same as the concept image of Cecelia.

I forgot to say… But, don’t get rid of the clothes you’ve got already. I’ll probably be able to use them somewhere in my film :slight_smile:

a lovely work, love the low-poly hair!

the clothes are alos loocking awesome!

How’s she going so far??

Been over 4 weeks since I saw some updates! How’s it going?

Here’s Cecelia’s walk cycle:

Oh yeah, work those hips, baby!

It looks good. :slight_smile:

Nice! Love the look.