BLENDING LIFE — Blender 3d Realistic & Stylized Human Challenge [ENTRIES CLOSED]

Good luck to all that enter. Gonna be fun judging this one once it’s over.


I picked Liliana!
Photoreallistic rendering - Category A
Placeholder for the final image
WIP Thread

Here is my try at the A category (sculpt only), retopo and texturing comes after this!

Possible Placeholder,
I’m way out of my league, but I’ll give it a shot if I can get the time.

I suppose i cant resist it…
Cat A. Placeholder.

FINAL: WIP thread Finish thread

oh dear … what a mess i am getting myself into…

What the heck. I’m in. - PLACEHOLDER -

I’m in.
Cat A

shrug What have I got to lose?

Category B placeholder.

That is, if my schedule allows. Don’t quote me on any of this.

Place holder! - Category A


I’m in!
Placeholder - Catagory A

Bearubs, theBang, Francis (edit: and admix)- Welcome to the forums and all the best for the contest! Really impressed by the interest this contest is gathering before it even kicks off, great to see new members joining in the fun!

Placeholder. Category A.

Final entry in the attached files :slight_smile:

I’m not really satisfied, mostly because I still don’t know how to texture nor did I learn the particle system and something about composition as I was planning on, but it was still fun to work on this piece.

To everybody that made this contest possible: Thank You!


Cat A entry


<Place Holder>

Most likely cat A

(tentative placeholder)
Even if I don’t enter, this oughta be quite the spectator sport.

This is a placeholder for both categories if possible… if not then only for category A.

This is my entry for category A. I will not have anything worth showing for category B cause I kept going back to my category A entry. I am going to try a four hour speed entry for category B just cause I opened the placeholder and I wanted to try something fun. In any event here are a few notes on my entry for A:

  • The final image is straight out of Blender internal renderer, the only thing I did outside blender was retouching the texture and adding the copyright.
  • Since I am trained as a sculptor and painter… and I have made many sculpted, painted, and drawn self portraits, the modeling was not too hard cause I know the shapes of my face. However, since I had very little experience modeling faces in 3d, I expect the real gurus out there would cringe at the topology of the mesh… I basically did what worked along the way.
  • Many things I worked directly from the tutorials put on line by wonderful blender people. This includes the modeling of ears, the nodes for skin, and the technique to make the texture by projecting UV from view.
  • I ignored many details that I knew would not show up in the model. For example the texture and mesh under the hair did not matter to me. Also, I had to make the model bald in the back so I could render more hair in the front.
  • There is no way I could have gotten a larger render on my laptop, and I don’t think it matters since the texture was to low res in the first place.

Participating in the challenge has been wonderful (I learned quite a few tricks). Thanks to all, especially those who offered their critique at the WIP thread:


Heres Mine: The Duke

Final Render:

More renders here:
Finished Projects
WIP Thread

Wow, lots of entries. Should be a good one.

Count me in!
I am most likely going to enter category B, depending on the what’s allowed/expected.

Work in Progress - Sara

And here is the final work:


Placeholder maybe.

Anyone know of a good side-profile picture of Hugh Laurie?