Blender's next release getting new ui?

There is so much insane “spewage” that has appeared, I honestly dont even know where to begin. There are fallacies all over the place, and the level of spite coming from some is astounding, especially the comments about how those who dont put their work up for judgement or vindication are not the “kind” of people they want around contributing to the development. A forum is defined by dialog and discussion which this is. Everyone is free to communicate and yes even trade in ideas, not everyone will disagree…but the moment the facist minded individuals show up and start saying who should and should not contribute, who should and should not be ostracized, is the moment its gone beyond friendly and logical dialog. It needs to end at that point, it is immature and totally uncalled for.

Now that thats off my chest, some responses I havent followed up on… (Part 1)

My response to your previous post was mostly just the conveying of information. Even informing you that you have misread or overlooked the content of the posts in question. An example of this is coming to the conclusion that we are asking for pop out windows in blender (despite the fact they already exist) merely because there was a discussion about how Maya implements their UV editor.

I wasnt being sarcastic either, because you did say, and I quote “In the 3dviewport, drag with left mouse button down does not do box select. I would be happy to have it be so;” I merely helped confirm what you said you would be happy about.

I hope my post wasnt seen as attacking you or mocking you in any way, though there was a hint of frustration on my part due to you informing me about methods which I had already acknowledged in the previous post.

As for where you can follow the current direction of UI changes, made for the sake of consistency (as Cukuhnen pointed out), not necessarily conformity or mimicry of specific competing applications… you can follow it here:

As Jonathan Williamson put it “Unless there’s a very good reason, all selection tools should be made consistent across all editors.” and as you can see nearly everyone agreed with that line of thought. Those who had a strong influence on the direction of the 2.5 changes also are leaning towards the left mouse based defaults. Doing so makes it consistent across the entire UI, not back and forth depending on editor or input panel. Who wants to select using the file browser with the Right Mouse button? I dont think anyone does.

The UI team knows what they are doing, while they are given feed back, its obvious they dont cave into at all input or any at all.

No worries, in the link I provided, you can find more links to the pages, and they are fully aware that its not a simple change but one that would have to be approached on a much deeper level. They are not throwing out idea’s blindly, its clear there is a plan involved and its very well thought out so far.

I do appreciate your concerns about the future, and that current users are not doing enough to support Blender and that the BF should do whatever needs to be done to attract more users. Unfortunate that it has come to that.

Blender users are behind these developments. Nothing unfortunate has happened though, its just the evolution of Blender. Its not merely about attracting more users, far from it based on what you read in the developer channels, in fact its more about perfecting Blender. I rarely see solutions posted to some of the problems Blender has, if anything, a few here in BA almost act like there are no problems and as such offer no solutions but would rather just attack those who do. , Sometimes I do think you might dig your heels into the ground when it come to some proposed fixes or changes. Not that thats a bad thing, as long as any response following that feeling is constructive.

The problem with this biased post, that is far from being accurate, is that it not only conveys a sense of elitism but far too much assumption as well. It is intellectually dishonest to call or write off people as Trolls because they type THOROUGH responses, and to say you dont have time to respond to their responses is weak. You dont need to be as thorough in responding, but its a bit silly to find excuses to write off the validity of someone else’s posts just because you want them to be trolls, or fit into some delusional idea of a UI war with some precious UI that has to be protected. It is silly.

I have been using Blender so long that I am customised to the eyeballs :smiley: and the UI changes are not that big a deal to me, but look at how much developer time it’s soaking up. That does have an effect on the progress of Blender, and although my contribution to the BF funds is minuscule in comparison to the big guns I still feel that it could have gone to better purpose…

Many of those on the UI team have been using blender for a long time as well. In fact there used to be a UI team, and that lead to the 2.5 changes, but it seemed to have fallen apart after awhile. What you see now is the bi-product of a change in direction which brought back modules with their independent teams. The UI team is just one of many, and the UI wasnt supposed to stop in development either. The further development of the UI isnt meant to hurt the current user base, but help make it better for all users, old and new.

With open source software and a community behind it, change is expected, even drastic changes from time to time. Its one of the strengths open source projects have over the commercial closed source ones which are often more locked into design choices made years ago.

Here is a video from 2008 by William Reynish, who had a huge hand in designing the 2.5 interface. You can see that the progress explained then didnt necessarily make it that far after the initial release. He’s also behind many of these changes, have some faith.

Saint Haven has spoken, we can all go home now!

Fascism, wow, you never cease to amaze me. I’m not talking about posting work for vindication or judgement, I’m talking about posting something once in a while THAT SHOWS YOU USE THE PROGRAM AND MIGHT ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. You don’t even use Blender, you use Maya (I think…pretty sure I saw an ax you made about 20 years ago somewhere). So go ahead Saint, repost everything I said here in this thread and dissect it, I know it’s coming.

(part 2)

Regarding the arrival of empty rhetoric… specifically the “Blender is for Blender users” tagline… it has no meaning outside of generating some per-concieved sentimental notion of exclusivity, and its used to make excuses for any non-conventional design choice. Blender should be for artist first and foremost. Those that create content regardless of application or industry. It should not be something to isolate based on some notion of a one size fits all user base. Those who use Blender are not all the same, some of us come from different backgrounds and experiences. From professional studios to hobbyist working at home, from formal education to self taught individuals. Those who have a multi-application workflow, and those who dont. Blender should be about empowering the artist, not some user who has tied their self identity and emotional state to one application.

So I oppose the use of the blender is for blender users rhetoric to excuse poor design choices. That rhetoric also serves to drive people away, not bring them in. Open source should be OPEN to everyone, an OPEN community with OPEN development in which the artist is welcome, not just a select group of users with a shared opposition to anything they see as coming from the “outside”.

I like how Andrew Price responded to the “Blender is for Blender users” rhetoric, often following UI discussions… he said "statements like “blender is for blender users” (are) a loaded question and guilty of Ignoratio elenchi:
“presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid, but fails nonetheless to address the issue in question.”

The issue in question is the act of perfecting and further developing Blender, not keeping it in a state of stagnation because a select few have become comfortable with its current state of being. They often dont realize they will never LOSE that state they are happy with, whatever version they have or are happy with is NOT going anywhere.

As for Ton, he is a great influence and easily someone worth respecting. He is iconic as far as Blender goes… but dont forget he also said that its not just him developing Blender. That he doesnt rule it or want to rule it with an iron fist, but that there is a team of people working on it. At the last Blender Conference he asked the crowd, “There might be some people who think I decide everything, is there any one who thinks that?” The crowd responded with “yes”. That the impression many share. He went on to say “I am absolutely powerless”. He goes on to explain how each of the major contributors are doing their own things and at most he just tries to make sure it all plays nice with everything else.
Here is the source for those who might need to see or hear it for themselves: (starts at the 4:00 mark)

Part of creating these design teams for each major category was to empower the developers, 2.7+ is a bit of a game changer. The development has moved over to GIT and makes use of phabricator, there are organized teams being empowered to push the development even further and there is VISION and the means to make it happen faster and in a more thorough way. More money is coming, more developers are getting hired and a chunk of that funding is coming not from BA user donations, but commercial entities such as Valve, and multi-application based users who choose to direct part of their steam workshop revenue towards the Blender Foundation.

Whats going to have to happen is at least the acknowledgement that change is happening and its not going to please everyone. Such rapidly growing open source projects like Blender cannot remain stagnate. If Blender’s UI changed in a way some of you dont like… would you run off to another application? To be honest I doubt that. Like with the 2.5 changes, you will adapt and probably like it even more after awhile.

Finally, I find it silly to ridicule Andrew Price’s sources, the “books” written by UI experts and psychologist/behavioral scientist, of which the two are not mutually exclusive. There is no basis to call them ridiculous when they make all the sense in the world, their positions come from a strong foundation and understanding. Showcasing a lack of care and ignorance is not a valid position of opposition.

All of this didnt start with Andrew Price, in fact the UI subject came from Ton himself with the mention ofpotential changes for 2.7and beyond. It was at this point individuals from all over the community began to bring back the dialog in a more serious manner. Price perhaps had the biggest platform to reach the most people, that is all and he was responsible in making sure his opinions came from trying to understand the logic and theory involved, unlike those who dont challenge themselves to even get to that point before shouting out opposition.


I see you posted while I was writing part 2 of my followup.

I want to thank you for being “constructive” in your responses. I am so glad you “didnt” fall to temptation and mock others in this thread for having a viewpoint different than your own. Also thank you for “not” making broad and inaccurate assumptions about how often those you disagree with use Blender, or what other applications they use or know how to use. I am sorry to inform you though that I didnt make an axe in Maya at the tender age of 11, in fact I was too busy playing with Ninja Turtles and 16-bit video game consoles at the time to know about 3d asset creation beyond the use of Legos. But thanks for your interest in my past.


if human evolution gets this much debate we’ll probably have dicks in our foreheads.

I was going to say something about low hanging fruit but… are you sure you meant to say “in” as opposed to “attached to”? They have two completely different meanings if you get my drift. As for human evolution? Where did that come from? Is it due to using the word evolution to describe changes in a piece of software?

Anyone who actually makes art with Blender instead of picking it to pieces and comparing it to other 3D software normally doesn’t have an issue with it

Could you please stop this wrong assumption? I do make art with Blender, and i DO have an issue with it. And i am not alone. The first thing you hear from beginners are usually the moans about the weird UI. And this heated debate here shows that minimum half of all advanced Blender users have also a problem with it. My bet is that its even more. Or did you hear any moaning about the newest UI improvements really? Its the opposite. Everything is oh so great now. Tabs are soooo genious, soo cool,a real time saver … ah, really? Finally?

I am definitely no beginner anymore. But i am still very unhappy about the UI. Because of all this inconsistencies and quirks that makes Blender slow and cumbersome to use. So slow that i still model outside in trueSpace. A software that was an incomplete beta version, means lacks of lots of functionality, and is out of development since five years now. But still, i get my job faster done than in Blender. If i even get it done in Blender. That you cannot scale mesh selections in Blender to world units is a real showstopper to me. I don`t even bother to compare Blender with a state of the art modeling software like Maya.

if human evolution gets this much debate we’ll probably have dicks in our foreheads.

Blender already has the dick in the forehead in more than one area. It`s all about to put the dick at the right place now.

There´s definitely a need for improvement. So let´s discuss what improvements are needed, not who is worth and allowed to tell that the UI is quirky or broken at this and that point.

I survived the transition form 2.4x series to the 2.5x series.
in retrospect all I can say; even when I had a bit of trouble with the transitioning due to lack of good tutorials, it got a lot better and no one can get me to use the 2.4x series again.

nowadays there are a lot of quirks and strange workflows in Blender which where written a lot in this thread and others and it is really making it hard or tedious to use the program.

so bring it on make the UI better!
I welcome change, the demands of the Industry are changing have changed and will change so needs the UI.

I said I PERSONALLY don’t want non-users/non-artists blabbing on about what needs fixed, and that’s exactly how I feel…agree with me or not. If you aren’t happy with Blender, then don’t use it, just like you said(and DO). I’m not taping anyone’s mouth shut. I have said a thousand times it could be improved, but nothing is stopping people from making brilliant things in Blender, look at the freaking top row! Show me one instance where I said that Blender is perfect. I’d love to discuss what needs fixed, but I have yet to run across something that froze me in my tracks and caused me to abandon it. You say all the debate here shows that at least half of Blender users have a problem with it? That’s roughly 20 people in this thread, so that means there is a total of 40 Blender users worldwide? Hell, maybe the devs DON’T know what needs fixed, but I seriously doubt it. I’m done speaking about this, it’s tiresome, and I have art to make.

Innovation over familiarity
Oh I liked that.

@VickyM72, nice art though, pushed your link :slight_smile:

maya to blender a year and a half ago, took me half a day to get used to the ‘weird’ ui, i really thought ‘box’ would be called ‘moxomoxoboxo’ in blender but i was suprised it’s still called box.

Found some nice maya tutorials.

and with a little help of zbrush, here

and much more.

What an amazing UI!
New comers will love it.

I was in search for a tutorial on how to export normal maps from zbrush to blender.
With the right tangent space I mean. (BTW, if you know how, please use PM)

personally I would have some doubt, and it is obvious that it must be like that: or you make code or you make art, it’s not a matter of capability or skill, rather a matter of time and involvement that you spend on them.

So, I think that some idiosyncrasies of blender UI are ignored or at least undervalued in their cruciality and priority by Developers.
And I don’t refer to the GUI, user interface is a concept that should be taken in its broadest meaning.


Which build has the new UI to test out in it?

Having a command ready at hand when you need it is important in its own, but it becomes ridiculously crucial if you have to hit it for a hundred of times.
Let’s fix the issues that destroy workflows in blender, and I’ll be happy to scroll or pan to find that one command that does the job.



Nope, you said every Blender user. I am a Blender user too.

non-users/non-artists blabbing

And you are the one who decides who is artist enough, right? I´m a game developer who makes both, writing code and creating art. From my angle of view you are the non-artist who is blabbing. But i would never think about telling you to shut up. Because a valid point is a valid point, no matter who tells it.

I have yet to see a valid point at your end. I simply heavily disagree with you. But that`s another story.

You say all the debate here shows that at least half of Blender users have a problem with it? That’s roughly 20 people in this thread, so that means there is a total of 40 Blender users worldwide?

Have you even noticed the UI debate that started by Andrew Price? Theres a thread that is over 100 pages long now. And its not the only one. This thread here is just another tip of the iceberg. And shows the same biased arguments like the other threads, going in circles since several weeks. That`s a bit more than 40 blender users …

Maybe you have even noticed that the Devs have long agreed that the Blender UI needs an improvement. And that the first improvements are already on its way. When not, this is your chance :wink:

If you aren’t happy with Blender, then don’t use it,

Gah, the good ol open source argument. When you don`t like it, then piss off. I am so fu*** tired of this kind of arguments. Blender is not yours. You are not the one who is allowed to telling me to piss off. I have seen software dying at this attitude. Because the people really left then. And the remaining fanboys wondered then why their software died.

Theres a third way. And thats the best way. Tell the developers what is wrong and let them fix it.

Can only say that I’m totally behind you SaintHaven - with the points you make in your recent posts.

Always try to be constructive in your comments, listen to the opponent and try to be polite (which off course sometimes can be difficult - the gloves can come off in a heated moment).

Different POV and personal backgrounds is good for a discussion and makes it richer and deeper. In general - and in discussions about Blender. (Nothing new here actually).

@Tiles: " those are not the people I want to have any influence whatsoever in how Blender looks or operates." That’s what I said.
I also never said I was the one who decides, might want to go back and actually read some of the stuff I wrote.
And, did I say piss off? You’re the one who jumped on ME. “If you don’t like it, don’t use it” is a pretty valid statement. I don’t know the issues you have with any program, but if they are bad enough to moan about it, simply…don’t use it. Due to the impersonality of the internet, that might have sounded like I am 5 years old, but I actually meant it literally…don’t use it and cause yourself any more irritation. If you are using crashy-a$$ TrueSpace instead of Blender, you must have some SERIOUS issues with it. Now get off my back.
EDIT: Funny thing is, you DO use Blender, I’ve seen your stuff, so you aren’t even in the same category as the people I was referring to!

It’s a point of view - that’s for sure.

“If you don’t like it, try to fix it” - I personally think is a better method in the long run. Especially if you want to develop as a community.

@joahua: Yeah, you are right…IF I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT THE UI, but I’m not. I’ve reported bugs, discussed issues I have had in the past with certain things, I have a chatroom where I help people with Blender, and I write tutorials! What else do you want, blood?

Oh. THIS thread again…