Blender Inspired Memes

Probably because

Most of these are great, had me actually laugh out loud :smiley:

The memes have been part of internet culture for many, many years already - I’m surprised you didn’t know that. It is a convention to use this kind of template because it is clear and visible (the font isn’t called ‘Impact’ for no reason), and to be honest, I don’t see anything wrong with it, and to be even more honest, any kind of different formatting would look bad. How could you even ‘bring out the punchline more’ if this kind of formatting is literally designed to do precisely that. I think what you are suggesting is actually not even possible in any scenario. But I would love to see you prove me wrong! :stuck_out_tongue:

And to add some of my lame-ass attempts to this wonderful collection:

Thanks! :smiley:

The, “bought a rig with the newest radeon, blender only supports cuda” one is brilliant!

A few of these really had me cracking up, well done guys! :slight_smile:

My best friend is robin when I ask him to learn blender.

Haahaa! Both of those are so me. :o

giving a try

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This thread is full of win. Good job guys! :smiley:

I concur. Keep it going.

@Blonder: Thank you! :slight_smile: I LOVE when I download someone’s file and they have the default camera with the scene moved around IT. :slight_smile:

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Thanks man! And great job everyone else.

Hahaha! :smiley:

After finishing a month long project…

Haha! Nice ones! :slight_smile:

Inspired by a similar one on another picture.


Self does not give damn about silly memes. Self also does not give damn about what Chuck Norris thinks about this.

I’m starting to run dry…

(Some of these might not even be true… sorry if so :slight_smile: )

Implement a source code change?